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Show SECRETARY OF WAR INVITEDJO UTAH WASHINGTON, March 20 Secretaries Secre-taries Baker, Lane and Houston are arranging an itinerary for a western tour which they expect to take during dur-ing the present month for the purpose of examining sites offered for the proposed pro-posed government nitrate works. The tour will take them through Utah, and Senator W. H. King has extended to Secretary Baker an invitation from the Bonneville club to visit Salt Lake City and attend a club meeting and banquet. Secretary Baker has indicated his desire to accept the invitation, pro vided arrangements do not interfere with the schedule and convenience of the remainder of the party. Secretary Baker will be accompanied accompan-ied by several engineer officers of the war department and Secretaries Lane and Houston will have with them their secretarfes. The party will travel tra-vel by special car and the itinerary, it i- expected, w ill include Ogden on the westward trip |