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Show i Chicago Quotations CHICAGO, March 21.- W heat prices showed unusual steadiness today and ihe market cave no sign of being in the least disturbed over the announcement announce-ment that President Wilson had called Ion congress to convene ahead of the time which had been set. Apparent- ' ly traders were more concerned in re- ard to gossip of a new move on the part of Germany for peace. Chances of a cessation of hostilities by European Euro-pean belligerents formed a bearish influence, in-fluence, whereas steps at Washington looking to a declaration of war received re-ceived in general a construction favorable favor-able to the bull side ot the market. Opening prices, which ranged from the same as vesterday's finish to l-4c lower, with May at $1.86 1-2 to $1.S8 3-4 and July at $1 57 to $1 57 3-8. were followed bv slicht gains, then a mod erate setback and later tresh upturns, which, however, failed to last. Corn, like wheat, was bearishly affected af-fected by peace rumors. Besides there were assertions that exporters were trving to cancel purchases. After opening unchanged to 1-Sc lower, the market continued in the main to sag, although there were occasional rallies. ral-lies. Oats displayed a 11 tie more firmness than corn. Some buying was done on the theorv that oats were relatively cheaper than other grain, and that the I'nited Slates government was in the market as a purchaser. Realizing sales by holders weakened provisions Scarcity of hog arrivals had only a transient effect. Chicago Quotations. Vhea Open. High. i . $1 Si! 1-2 S1.S7 1-2 July . 1" 1.581-4 Corn Mhv 1 11 5-8 112 3-8 July ,. 1.10 1-8 1.10 3-4 Oats Mav 58 1-2 .59.1 2 juy "... 56 3-8 .57 3-8 Pork-May Pork-May 34.05 34.25 July 3330 Lard-May Lard-May 19.75 19.75 July 19.70 19.70 Ribs-Mav Ribs-Mav 1800 July 18.15 18.15 Vheat Low. Close. May $L83 14 $184 18 july 1.55 1-4 1 65 3-4 Corn Mav 1.10 5-8 1 10 3-4 July 1 09 1-8 1.09 1-4 Oats May 58 1-4 .58 1 4 July 56 -56 1-S Pork-May Pork-May 33 80 31.10 July 33.15 33.30 Lard M , 19.52 19.57 Jufv 19.52 19.57 Ribs-May Ribs-May 17.87 17.87 July 17.97 17.97 Chicago H j Market. CHICAGO, March -1 Hogs hardened harden-ed In valuo toduy. owms to the big shortage in receipts during the first two days of the current week. Cattle quotations were upheld by similar causes. Packers showed a disposition io iu;lit. any advance in the sheep mar-Vol |