Show 1IIINIIN U Itiimarck vndtrr madea IIII to fork City Mutiday I I Mi < irorie Ol > on went In Cclm 111 I morning for a ihort tlll I bnnnrJilenkhta madeanotltr trip down thlnav llinday ltl hop r 1 AUoodand wife returned home lo KAIIIHIOII SatMriU t Attorney II II Tewkabuy was In dwlilll on biuln WedimHlay Rthap Jolts Iktt III IIplr out Ill Conlvillu on baidn TnlA Dlles Mrltonold IVik City Nos InC In-C < llle yeitenUy vUltlng rlendt Ml Martha I Wn worth of lIenro waivMtlngln Oonlvlllion Vtln dy bait ilwrge Thackeray id Urojdtn UM tranaactln hal lnti In Coalvlll Tnw day II WUroowailnCotUllletOHlay In tenlewing old friend and Hciiiilnt ancn Inmei HopUn role hi wheel uplroin IKIIO I Vedneaday lie WM alter bell cattle for liU rkIII I Paymaster T J Aim mail lilt regular vlalt amoiiK the boy al tho Waealch oi > I the IOtk Inn and left lIb n filrflrvd check I I Tboinu Jcniiliigi we 10lllvle inc 0 number of frlendi In Cnalvlllo Vodnei I iUy Mr I JiMinlngn Inn Win looking oier hit ranch Klinlailli I J P I Johneon now fry hit efiteak before 1 the coal 1 In u livutlng tore Mn Johnwii lmlm Luno lu Park I Oily on u short vlll i Joe ui u tacit Ii I nut n howling nltclwaa |