Show Slot Hi Mink 1 have been raising poultry for IS year During that time I have bred the Duff Cochins lirrcd Plymouth Hocks White Plymouth Hocks Iltack Ilrnuted bled lame llanlams 0 B llinlnmt While Outlay and W II turkeys The breed that suit mo but are W II turkeys White Plymouth Hocks White Rulneas andO and-O 8 tlantams My 1 housa Is built of dressed ildlng roofed with flooring board has n brick foundation and lI la I In site 12x16 It has three window win-dow on than south side The total COlt woe 35 It has gravel floor and tbo pcrche are Iwo feet from Iho floor I feed corn oat rye wheat pots loci cabbage scraps from the house and come meat In winter In summer they have the rnrce of tho farm The market for reused fowl li not good having been about IVi cent per pound for tome lime I always get eggs In winter and at all other lime of year I have not had any disease for n ion time except gape nnd not much o f that Two years ego n mink klllc i 120 chick and 40 turkey In Hire night Then I got the mink In raiting brood I have had cry goo d success I slave raised 01 high a a 3 o > chick with one hen and bare raise 15 turkeys with one turkey hen I be llevo that the White Plymouth Rock will mature III early 118 any chlcke and they are also good egg producers I had a White Plymouth Hook pulle t last summer thai commenced layln when live month old nod tho day sh e from her uA Z Copeland In I I Farmer Review |