Show Irrlollim mil llwlkullure A certain claw of ilirmUU liare dace the Irrigation inonoient alerted fell called lu warn the people of th e danger of a icon 1 of their italcr supply TImklate engineer 1111 Colorado Irofeif Mir It I n Carpenter of lie stale agr cultural collega at Ft Culllni hAM beer s miking n aeries I of inruurrmrnU 01 Iho liillow from seepage buck In lice Cache IoU 1slwlre and Ilitte rltera In Ids report hu stales that u the ainoun of water It I Incrrnkcd by ifjillcntldn t ° the land that the Inllon tleadlly herr h-err There I a itrtjjr utrcuui o t water now llowlug In tho Matte as fat east ai Ft Morgan tint the earth net 1Ia u rrtrrvolr to hold the water am 1 Ill la I gradually relumed to the rlrcr below hero It ho I applied Iloktate III II r vent ui follunt At an Ills trillion of tho Importance of the see age staler wo may inentlnn Hint In I the Int meaiurcmcnt of tho loud river 160 cubic feet per wound sal bo Ing received fnun time rtojnn at tl o felt of Ilia mounlaliik Ihlt waa lioln taken by the canal nlthln the lIt tau mllei mid the 11 of the rive tans dry 1 Nvvcrtholeu though in meroiik canal wero drawing I water the river nt Ita mouth had l 10 cub u feel per kciMind that Oslo UIng ills clmrgfd Into tin flute On the Platte kturllng In stills ctrl fret at tho mout I of the roudreToOruhlit fntnerotakc u out by tlm cnnnl liofore Mrrllng wa rrachiMl jet there wan Vu fret left 1 t r there wn this golds enduing lack Into tlir finite by kcciage The lIv11 tIn aeeucn to silos thnt tin nmoiint to I lucrcatlng from year I ° jisir and ho glvri nilMItl r that Iho II 11 unit i sluo tout hut not UTQ renchrt lice < cttlmtte Is I made llmuxli ua > r t nut at urnlely Ihut from sal 75 JK e itill of Clue water appllevl linda III WilY r Lacer Into the rlvtrm Ulirrtthe salsa 1111 U caught by plowed lamlt the Irr galilo water and the rainfall amoui to fully U1 lit r tent that Io I returned t ° the risen from where token |