Show DUMAS AND GOLDSMITH Tlii fiilnlt 1 ut lIrsriiiltuaen llrlifr 115 Tttii VVrllnli Uumnx the ildcr had not n tow points I ot ristmblanco to Oliver iolilimlth 1311 Iho Century Ho could not help running Into debt giving alms largely to tvcry ono who demanded them with oul stopping to Imiulro whether thin mendicant were Impostor or on honorable hon-orable mui being u prey to sharp dealers deal-ers and parlsllts and living from hand to mouth 110 was albo bojitful from a fear of being forgotten or underrated though without a train of envy In hla genial soul was fond of lImo incitement and mlvuiturni of Iho oldfashioned modes of Irav cling and had an undying undy-ing lovo for the placo In which ho spent his > oulh Tlrtoiighont his lone nnd varied literary torecr ho nursed tho hope of ending his iln > s In Iho forest girdled town of VlllcrsCotUrcls In the ancient province of Yalols where ho was born and reared If ever tho thought of navIng any of his earnings traversed ha brain tho falher to It was his llfolong dcslro lo there return and clio ut Iome nl boat Ho often talked of buying when he bail the mians the house In the Hue do Ixirlmcr In which ho was born as day dawned on n July morning In tho occond > car of thin centiny YlllereCotlercls was written on his heart and reacted un molt ot his aftcrllto Impressions When ho ro v lilted tho town Ito was lionized by great nnd email antI found that boyish cccnpadcs venial Stills of adnloccnra were still held In kindly remembrance by tho old folks Human was n miui of warm and ready oyrnpathles jovial nt temperament and sparkling with ready l Ills impressions wero viva chIlls the fountains were lea his even antI after liiughlnr and cryIng or rather blubbering for sheer Joy nt this welcomo lip received ho lent hlmfclf to convivial con-vivial demonstrations and delighted all who ml down with him nt tablo by his high spirits and tho brilliancy ot his cimversaton |