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Show AN ACTING GOVERNOR Man Th 1 l!andomr and Na UxMirbntett r a ll.ieduhnkar, IU4tr DrMt4 "Not aa Orator Lot a Clear Do baler. OGER W5LCOTT, the acting governor of Massachusetts, is a Boston man, the son of the, late Lieut. J. Hunting-to- n Wolcott, lie comes from a family as old as New Itself, EnglandIdentified closely w 1th the early his-o- Afilnil Whom Britain It f the colonies, and conspicuous In the colonial and revolutionary wars. Mr. Wolcott is the fourth governor tn his fcmily, the other three having achieied success in Connecticut, lie was horn on July 13, 1847. His hair Is prematurely silvered, but in constitution and development he is a much younger man than the date of his birth woul indicate. Six feet in height and of athletic frame, he Is pointed cut on the streets of Boston many times a week as a person of striking appearance by men a ho do not know him. Always a student and a close reader, he was known among the students t Har. vard as a young man of considerable He was orator of literacy attainments. his class, which was graduated in 1870. Mr. Wolcott was started on his political career in 1877, when he was sent to the common council, where he remained until 1879. In 1882 he was elected to the lower branch of the legisIn 1883 lature. and he was and 1884. While in the common council and legislature, Mr. Wolcott was re consclea garded as a tious hian. Ho was not conspicuous In politics from 1884 to 1890, but be gave his friends a tremendous surprise when President Cleveland came into the field. For a time he was a Mugwump. He spoke and voted against James G. Blaine, and with Richard H. Dana pracrepublicans. tically defied the old-liThis was the move that directed the wise men .of the party toward Ms. Wolcott. The split In the party was "so great that men as Jesse Gove passed the word that such a man as Wolcott was necessary to amalgamate the scat' Acting Governor of Massachusetts, tered hosts. In 1885 Mr. Wolcott and Richard H. Dana were sent to Spring field as delegates to thd state republican convention. In 1891 he was chosen president of the republican club, and 1 hard-workin- g, ne to the varous county. The from land rentals have given, be said. It is a Protest- ant university. A Presbyterian gave me 825,000 toward It. I never aaw him but once before he made thla contribution. - He said: Tf I can only live to see The corner stone laid I Will give you jmother tip. Pope Leo has a nephew la Washington who gave us 810,000; another Roman Catholic gentleman, 812,000; and hit brotherrwbo ia a Baptist, also 812,000. Sixty per cent of the amount contributed for the payment of the lot waa received from outside tho Methodist church, A MASTER OF THE PEN receipts of 7 office t are now over 81.0oo a month, an In- WAS THE LATE T, HUGHES. THE 87t)o a month over what " crease of ENGLISH AUTHOR. when I eut into the 'office they were a little over a jear ago. Ills Works (.Slnsd Fortuns sad Foma Is RreS Stmt Mli Inpwrlnttsdctt Win th An(lo-Lati- n Kv.ry of Public Sc boot! for WyouIsfAi T Short. a School T.ruifc Torn 11 row o a to I. Langnas. ai.orten the length of bpok.a A tendency Kapttlc Wetter Educator of TboP School term is Days.1 achool obueriable Liberal the lvrm, oughtT throughout the country and attention is directHOMA9 HUGHES, at a lime when 0 N S I D E RABLE ed to "this imdency are growing that too much the guthor of "Tom w a s complaint! of labor satisJaction Brown's School Is exacted from the felt by the friends in the way Torn chiidien. The fifth annual school Days and PRINCESS HENR1ETTE. of MlssjJgteUe Reel Brown at Oxford of Rrof Harris, federal commiswhen It wm AnTfcs si Balgtska WluCtl Hi ttSrttr founder Hoy of of education, and the deals with this nounced that the sioner at ' la Baardless CoaaL settleBritish It is the length shown that subject lady named bad since Petit Paris" as Brussels is called, is ment at Rugby, the the preceding report average state chosen been Tenn., died In Lon- pleasantly excited over the wedding of length of the school term has decreased superintendent o t one in the North Atlantic division, don recently at a Princess Henrietta and her French day schools In Wyocousin, the Due de Vendome, Princess of forty-foa day in ripe old age. ming. Mlsf . Reel JJenriette is tall and, slender, with one and three-tentThomas South Atlantjc, Hughes, the received a good part Ur the South Central and, or Tom Brown, as he was called In masses of fair hair and bright blue dajs in Chicago,' where days in the Western. On the England, conferred Joy on all boya tn eyes. She is 25, two years older than she won marked admiration from those three band there has been an Increase English speaking countries when he her fiance, but he looks ten years older other who knew her best. Ten years ago ahe than he Is, Notwithstanding her and one of dajs la the North wrote Tom Brown. Had he accom- mother is a German, went to the far western state named, the princess Is more would he have whteh counterbalplished nothing tv hlch ia forand has ever since been engaged in Central division, French in very sentiment, much of the decrease elsewhere, earned a great name. And it is to this educational work first as teaeher in ances tunate, aa it would have been difficult one book all is his the that fame almost general average decrease one of the Cheyenne public schools, making of $ue, at least In America. Since it was the country then as superintendent for Laramie throughout .- The causes that most affect the first published. Torn Brown has been county, which position she held for touf a day- average are ttrbe found In the considered by the most competent general as years, and finally state superintendcritics the boya themselves to be by ent. Wyoming women have been in North Atlantic division and largely In far the best book of all times. of New York Massastates and the politics so long that the selection of There Is nothing of dramatic Interest Miss Reel to fill this important place chusetts. The shortening is ascribed in the life of Thomas Hughes, If his life caused little or no surprise there. She largely to Increasing laxity in tho mat- at Rugby and Oxford, the crack school ot and not, holidays may therefore, thinks that though women cast nearly ter and creek university of England, is exhalf the vote of the state, they do sot be an Indication of a growing belief cepted. Yet he has been n man ot some by any means expect to hold the same that a shorter school year is desirable. prominence In hi country, lie was the York Post. New proportion of offices. Speaking on this second son of John Hughes of Donning subject recently, she said: ton Priory, near Newberry, in BerkFor Dwellers. Slam I am certain they will not ask for and born at Ufflngton, in tbe same shire, Home of The Delight, which has mortf than one of the six state offices on Oct 20, 1823. His grand-fathfor many years to come. Which one? Just been opened in Philadelphia. Is county, was the vlcavof Ufflngton. At tor the bo to enlightenment, uplifting Why, the state superintendent of the age of 7 be was sent to achool at Twyford, near Winchester, and three years later he waa sent to Rugby, then HON. R. G. COUSINS. tbe crack achool of England, where he KHALIFA ABDULLAH, spent his chool days under the celebratdifferent. Prosperous districts teeming ed Dr. Arnold. It was while here he with population have been reduced to lived the life the incidents and color of barren, hateful deserts, and the fertile which he to delightfully described In PRINCESS HENRIETTA, Tom Brown, and tradition haa It, as to have fonnd s husband for her outplains over which the western Arabs aninow roamed are occupied by wild In tbe case of Dickene and Copper-fielside of tbe Orleans family, as the Belmals. Homesteads of the Nile dwellers that Tom Brown was Tom gians are ardent Catholics. In spite of are now tenanted by nomad tribes, who Hughes. At all events, Mr. Hughes the fact that they have been beautlfut have enslaved the rightful owners to strong, healthy and robust character of and gifted, the Belgian royal women till the soil for the new masters; or body and mind aa a man might have have been singularly unfortunate in so says Slatin. Many of the tribes, had Just such a foundation aa la laid In matrimonial matters. The terrible fate weary of Abdullahs cruel rule, have his famous book, From Rugby he went of the empress ot Mexico, who has been revolted and become Independent, but to Oxford, where Oriel college gave him Insane since 1866, has hung like a pall the khalifa has sufficient friends left a degree 1U 1845. Th fruita of his life over the Belgian court The king and to make him a powerful enemy and to t college were given to the world in queen are tenderly attached to her, and give the invading expedition all it can "Tom Brown at Oxford " but this book, frequently visit her. do to reconquer the territory in quesfor spontanlety and real interest cantion. not be classed with his first effort. A PAYING INVESTMENT. Mr. Hughes was a voluminous writer. GEN. BALDISSERA. Vslno -' Kahsacod by was sf tbe 1repartl pub"Tom Brown's School Days Oxford Vtllage Brown at "Tom 1867, in fished lapnnaMl. Kw Commander la tho Italy The property owners of s village Aftloil tho AbyMialaaa cannot make a better paying Investment new General Antonio Baldlsaera, the than tn the maintenance of a commander of the Italian army In East V'N. improvement society, writes Africa, was appointed by the Italian John Gilmer Speed in Ladies' Horn Gengovernment to take the place of Journal Through such a society th eral Baratierl, under whose direction value of every piece of property In a the Italian armies suffered the recent and the neighborhood thereof, village, great defeat The province over which be enhanced tn value; village life may Baldlsgeras command extends Is called may be made to take on new InterErythrla, a name which was borrowed est and, new dignltiee; stagnation may from the ancient Greek name of the be kindled Into an exhlllratlng actlviy. Red Sea. It is a territory of the Soudan Let the people become interested In a extending Inland from Maasowah to village Improvement society and they Kassala. The new general has his will soon begin to discuss plan and hands full If he is expected to recon with a gratifying alertness. policies quer the north Abyssinian domain of They will discuss how best to secure a Tlgre. The army lost about 7,000 public library; they will talk over tbe Italian regulars and nearly all Its field Robert G. Cousins, first stroke in politic! was his election Congressman ways and means of getting rnnnisg artillery, sixty or seventy guns. In the whose speech on Ambassador Bayard to the legislature of Iowa, While a water into the town; they will argue LATE THOMA& HUGHES, THE battle of the Adowa. He was already has made his reputation as an orator, member of that body he was elected by and In 1861, the latter over tho best way of establishing a fire Laid "Religlo on his way from Italy five days after is a a series of Tracts for Priests and department; they will study .drainage bright young Iowa lawyer. Here- its bouse ss one of the prosecutors in tho defeat, of Baratlerl's army. The after, when he rises In the house to say the celebrated Brown aimpeachment being "Ths Cause of Freedom" in and sanitation; they will recognize (he People; as career earlier part of flaldlsseras something his words will be listened to , case, which was tried before the senate 1862, being an Inquiry Into the civil value of street fights when the moon a soldier-wapassed In the service of attentively. Mr. Cousins Is a native of during 1887. In 1888 be was elected war. Many other works came from his is shining on another part of the world; , th Austrian Empire. He Is a native the state he represents. He was born prosecuting attorney and also presi- pen, but the above were the best known. and when they vote on these question of Friuli, was born at Undine in 1838, in Cedar county, Iowa, In the fifth con- dential elector for tbe fifth congres- In 1847 Mr. Hughes married Anno Franthey will vote with entire Intelligence, and Is a son of an' flfflclalof police. gressional district. Ho Is only 87 year sional district - Ho was elected to the cis Lord, ths daughter ot an English and they will go swar from meeting fifty-thiuniwas and He was educated at the Vienna Military old. He Is a graduate of Cornell congress refreshed by wfist they have heard, clergyman. congress as a repub- college, and continued In the Austrian versity and took his degree In 188L to the and what they hare done." Bmm Vmm Imltm. army with the rank of major until 1866, pn year later he was admitted to the llcan, receiving 21,261 votes, as against a great deal been hat There probably anwere votes territories William for P. Daniels, mors smoking done by American women when the Venetian bar, and since that time he has been the 15,487 DOW'S Q2D BIRTHDAY. nexed to the kingdom of Italy. Since engaged In the practice ot law. His democrat. idea has of. casual observer the any than Mala TrapmiM Advomta U CloMf that time he has been colonel of theNumbers of New York women who have ta tbs CMtuy Mark, Bersagller and a staff officer. He marslum acquired the habit while living abroad schools. It has become an unwritten and betterment of the Neal Dow, the famous temperance cigarette advocate and originator of the Maine indulge In an after-dinnlaw In Wyoming, that the management dwellers of Philadelphia. It is A four-stoof their own families. in tbe twenty-flv- e brick about he privacy shall state structure, ot . schools for the the prohibitory law," was 92 years of tgc ? feet wide, and the first floor con- At a handsome dinner given a short on March 20, and dispatches of greeting left as far as possible In tbs hands of well Vv tbs women. All of the counties but two tains the large lecture hall and two time ago by a lady and gentleman poured in on the venerable abstainer and game rooms, the latter being equipped known in society, cigarettes were from all parts of this country and from have women superintendents, with table bagatelle, checkers, lotto, passed Just before the frozen punch, England. Tbe local prohibition society many ot the school principals Tbe second story when a number of ladles took them and waited upon the reformer in a body and other games. contains the library of 1,000 volumes proceeded to light and smoke Them in and afterward held appropriate birth- and a reading room adjoining. Back a manner that showed that they were of these rooms is the printing room, by no means novices. Other dinner-givehave sines followed suit, and tbe whence s weekly paper called Oor bids fair to become popular. fashion a in be World will Issued and Work i short tlmS. On the third floor are s Gambling la LoaSoo. committee room and s games room, The police say that gambling at tbe Is while the remainder of. the house rich mens clubs In the West End la occupied by the superintendent and bis faster and more furious than ever it wife. was, but they can do nothing because tbe power of Initiative 1 taken out of A IwltrltaliB D Vubkl(. their hands. Small hoy caught playIn speaking the other day of ths ing tosspenny are promptly hauled beproposed American University (Methofore the magistrate and punished, hut dist) at Washington, Bishop Hurst an- The rankest of betting clubs, patronized nounced that subscriptions amounting by the flourish as of yore. to 21,040,000 hsva thus far been received Bucket shops, to M sure, have been for the project "People of every grade having cold time of late, but that Is ESTELLE REEL, economic causes and to the school superintendents are women. If - GENERAL BALDISSERA. " due to A Mow Farina Bmatj. the stock exchange committee, of states women of the the equal suffrage rled the daughter of the procurator can Miss Margaret Halstan Is Just at which desires to have no poaching on managea school share have in court at of appeals general of the present turning the heads of lmpree- its exclusive domain. London Letter. ment, a fair share of the clerical office GENERAL NEAL DOW. Aqulla, In Southern Italy. ind an opportunity to exercise enough tbi exercises. Notwithstanding day CtvUlMtlaa. Borbarbm sad Influence upon legislation to continue 0 is he within 4 Illiteracy I Eb1ibL that years Lava fact a eight heard who bad good hoy A on the progress of rounding s century of existence, his Despite all that tho English educa- to maintain wages for women equal conversation of deal are unimpaired and hi tion acts have accomplished during the to those of men where the same work civilization, went up to hie grandfather mental faculties condition good. He ascribe Is me last quarter ot a century, the men who. 1 performed they will be well satisphysical what tell and said: Grandpa, hi longevity and remarkable mental In 1894, signed the marriage register fied, and will not attempt to encroach and barbarism between difference the his riged abstinwith marks instead of with their names upon offices which should alwaye be Barbarism, my boy, la and bodily vigor todrinks. civilization 7 alcoholic ence from were tn the proportion of forty-si- x a per filled by men. at a with hatchet killing your enemy With the other members of th Illiterate 1,000, while the similarly of a step; civilization la killing distance IcatUn-tlon- s . FmI of a Vrw Wmnv board have I Mate visited the , womenreached "fifty-foper"l,000. him with a "bombshell "twelve- miles of Colorado, Nebraska and IlliChloroform and ammonia killed a The registrar general states that in away. to fourteen out of every 1,000 marriages nois. during the past year. In order centipede and saved a eat at Spring-fiel- d meththe other day. The centipede Labor and Rallclaa. both bridegroom and bride signed with become acquainted with the best deThe labor question is a religious one. dropped from a bunch of bananas upon marks. Tbat some improvement Is ods employed for the care of th The only workingmans friend la the ths cat, and at once burled Its poisongoing on is, nevertheless, made evident fective classes. I am also secretary of the state land board, man" who la just and kind. Laborers do ous fangs in the animal's legs It by the circumstances that, unsatisfac- and register In various hlch a has the grants want alma, but Justice. The chureh mistress, with rare presence oLtnlnd, apcharge not as may the figures foregoing tory on the Insect, which by conlays U claim upon the workingman dropped chloroform pear, you as compared with those of of public land made to the state distribambecause It Is n Institution whose succumbed, and then she applied 1S93, the proportion of men who signed gress. This year tho hoard will MAROARET HALSTAN. was a triwith marks exhibits a diminution equal ute to the various counties of the state slonable London youths. She spears whole business Is to strengthen and de- monia to the catsoflegs. It mind, apparently. to 8 per cent and tbat of women a di- upward of 250,000, which hne been re- at the Haymarket theater In ths play velop those sentiments tbat are hla umph of presence Boston Herald. ceived for rental of school lands, and now running. minution of 5.3 per cent truest helpers. Rev. Frank Crane, Wap Warfare. The Khalifa Abdullah, the Soudanese potentate against whom the Egyptian army is now marching, and against whom England will send mors troops. Is the successor of the mahdi, whose name w as upon everybodys tips a few years ago. That the sway which the great religious soldier held at his death has gradually shrunk under the rule of the present khalifa there is no doubL The present ruler assumed all the power and authority attaching to the position prhis predecessor, but he never proclaimed himself mahdi or prophet The fanaticism which blinded the Soudanese to the deception practiced upon them has lost much of its influence. Abdullahs rule has been as tyranlcal and rapacious as that of the mahdi, but the Soudanese have been by no means As patient with him as they were with his predecessor. Slatin Pasha, who "TUll Accompany the English, expedition up the Nile, says that the extent of the territory now governed by Abdullah is little altered in extent from what it was under Egyptian rule, but the condition of the country Is very Utc L'nrhrlatlam CHARACTER SKETCH OFGREEN. HALCES SUCCESSOR. Watt in will h distributed A WYOMING WOMAN. this school districts in each KHALIFA ABDULLAH. TYPICAL OF PROpFESOF THE EQUAL SUFFRAGE STATES. -- or list vt . ur hs thre-flfi- nine-tent- er d, ed . in Roger wolcott, , , i he was elected lieutenant-governof the state. The Hon. William 1892 or s E. Russell was governor. Mr. Wolcott held second place from that time until Governor Greenhalges death. " 11 " 3 fifty-four- t Will Pay for Hi Mama. An advertisement appeared in a recent issue of a Sunday paper that throws some light upon the unscrupulous methods followed by some ot the collection agencies of the city. A large manufacas follows: reads It turing concern desires to secure the of good services of an attorney-at-law- r standing to the extent ot permitting the UBe of his name aa a signature to peppery letters to be addressed to customers. To the right party will pay 100 per annum. ' In other words thla concern is willing to pay 8100 for the use of a lawyers name to sign the bulldozing and threatening letters, intended to make the alow payer Relieve that legal proceedings are contemplated. This may he within the law, hut the personation of city marshals by employes ot the collection agencies and the actual employment ot city marshals and their deputies as collectors, In which private capacity to act officially, making a great show of papers and badges, are regarded as direct violations of law, but bo common that no one ever thinks ot questioning their acta New York Journal. so-call- slow-payi- they-preten- limited tire Kftlrerw A girl of Meta 14 years old. has recently been condemned W eight days Imprisonment for having insulted' th German emperor. The Insult consisted In writing a private letter to one of her little friends in which there was something disrespectful to his majesty. It Is said that such sentences are com Herr mon in Alsace-Lorrainthe veteran socialist of the reichsug. will have to serve- - four pinnHm Imprisonment also for Ingulf. ,Ing the emperor. e. Mo.le a th ed rd Lieb-"Anec- Pillow. This does not mean a pillow that can be wound up and made to play tunea hut one that has a few bars of some favorite air embroidered on ita cover. be done effectively on denim This with whit floss. The writer recalls a silk, on charming one of gray-gree- n which several bars of the prize song fretn Die Melstersinger were worked lr white. New York Journal. n th ed nr rs i-- '"v fv I & well-to-d- t ' ur -- " I - ' V er ry o, sc-ti- |