Show STOLEN DY A GORILLA A Indnnull Mans A Ial I nurse < In I IUI Afrlrs A Clndnnatlan who Inn Inteli returned re-turned from n lour of wmli and Kast Alrlca told a Mptirtr nr a thrilling encounter he tad wllh a fillt while Iin that faroff wnmlfT Bald he The evening train hid arrived nt U > r nio Mantras tei0R01 Ha > on schedule time Hut whit a qlght It was the rain ammo down l as If the I very hen were filling the aled blew a terrlnr Kale and the dork IIo tires wblrh uvrrspread the whale sn lIe was such as I had never lnPIn1 1 before II was however n nttlur night lo Ihe I fI ixrlrnc whkh followd Htepplng from what thn JnMherliiuls Usllroad Company term a flriiir rinlage I accosiwl a li avr 1f Inlnldusl on th platform Can yon sell ie sir whhh Is I the heel hotel of tills bluer I askenl 1 Well slratifsr hf remarked thai Is hardly n fair question lo ask me an I own both Hit holils In this place I turned over my grip to Mm ad 1 followed a crowd uf rrleatis through that tropical sierra IMnner was served at Ile International IIOK I hut my permanent per-manent headquirlcn we to Ile t at tin Central t I both of these lining owned by Jim Carpenter t the person I met at the station After dinner sn employe of the I bnlrl asked me If I WA mostly to AO lo I the Central I replied In the nf nrmallie lie went to thn door and nlKne Ihtdln of wind and rain rould f heard his volep yelling I Sixpence1 My I belief nas that this Indhldual was Kinging out tn alms nf the nathen that n sixpence I Joh was walling for nn > of them who would lak me to the Central hole but It prntml lo Im I Ihe Hrullar name of an halt African nc grn Slxpenen earn wllh n yap boas It sreniPil as he ramo that n soe lion of that Mack night WAR molng 1 iHxIlly Inward 1 me The Instruction wa to keep close lo 8lxpene The route w ss ihrniigh n large garden gar-den Ve had hirdly entered the garden Inclonure when a lerrlflc acniim wu heard and at Ihe same time I waa struck nil the heed In in Inilsnt I had ray revolver out and nr < il 1 at my unknown un-known nMIIlllal My I enemy grappled with mr but before liMing my hold of thin revolver I managed fire two more shots Hut It was an urn fight 1 retched another blow on the bead rendering ren-dering mo iinronsclous When I regained re-gained consciousness which wan three da > a later I learned that my firing ol the revolver had ntlrncted the attention atten-tion of an American who was known at deluge lUy as Trial Wilton lie told tie that ho ran out uf lilt houno with Mi gun and lantern and bad hardly gone too > ards when ho came across n huge gorilla rawing me on Ills back The gorilla Drawled nt him lint bo sons determined to try to rescue mo from Ihst hriile Alter taking n rnreful aim lie managed to shoot the animal without hitting me and kllkd him Then he brought ma to tho hotel where I ifterward was Informed thais thai-s SIR < rllla had been mmt to Jim Carpenter three dope previous lie hind been lId to a arm In the garden hut somehow must have broken his chain and wti waltliiR for the tint comer It I WH Carpenters Intention to send tho gorilla to time Manchester Kngland Zoological garden as a IrlntCln clnnntl Knqulrer I |