Show r t 1i i AN ACTING GOVERNOR CHARACTER SKETCH OP CBEKN HALOES BUcctiBBon 0 0 Itasdoeer AIII Sn IMSIr ten In h AO treater er a Ilslhsar hat a Clear I 11 I baler omen WOLCOTT the acting governor R of Mnsmchutctti In I a Dostnn man Iho ion of tho late Lieut J Hunting 1 1 ton Volcott He f comes from a family a fam-ily u old nl New k fi Un Bland l Itself closely identifier l with lire early history his-tory or tho colonies and conipleuou in the colonial mil revolullonary war Mr Wolcott If the fourth governor In Mi family the oilier three having achieved micceM In Connecticut lio was born on July 13 1SI7 the hair ti prematurely silvered hut In conslllu tlon end dmclopmcnl ho Is I a much r younger mn than tho date of his birth would Indicate Six feet In height and of nililllo frame ho If rotated cut on the street of Ilo ton ninny Mmes a week ss a person of striking appearance appear-ance by men wild do not Know him Always Al-ways n student and n close render be woe lnown among ho students nt Harvard Har-vard M n young man of considerable literary attainment Ho was orator of Ills dim which was graduated In 1870 Mr Wolcotl nan started 1 on his po lllleal career In 18j1 when ho wan sent to the common council where ho remained re-mained until 1879 In 1882 ho wens elected to the lower branch of the legislature legis-lature nnd IIP was reelected In 1883 non imi I Virile In the common council coun-cil and legislature Mr Wolcott was regarded re-garded ai n hardworking consclcn tloui man Ho wan not conspicuous In politic from 18SI I to 1890 hut ho gave Ills friends a tremendous surprise when Irwldenl Cleveland como Into tho flout for a time he was n Mugwump 1 lie spoke and otcil against James n jM Illilnc and with Itlchard Dana practically 1 prac-tically defied Ibo oldlino republican 1 Tins was lire moo that directed tho wise men of tho party toward Mr Vo1cntt Tire spilt In tho party was no great hat men RS Jesse Gave passed tho word that such n man nl Wolcolt was necessary to amalgamate tho scat Acting Governor of Massachusetts tered boils In 1885 Mr Wolcott nnd Illchard II Dana I were lent to Springfield Spring-field in delegates to Hid state republican contention In U91 ho vas chosen i president of the republican club and 1 I 9 Q f t 11 f r 1 O I 7 J oii I ROG fl WOLCOTT e In 1892 he was elected lkutcuent governor Ir gov-ernor of he slate The Hon William U r Ilunell was governor Mr Wolcolt held f second place from that time until Oov 1 crnor Orccnhalgcit death |