Show DeafneM Cm Not tie Currn fly local application ax they cannot rends the dlieased portion of the ear There In I only one way to cur deafne nml that he I by emnllliitlonit remedies IVafnciis li I caused by an Inllnmeil roll dlllnn nf the muiiua Iliilnft of the Gus taehlan Tub Mini Ihe tube In I Inflamed In-flamed you have a rumbling found or Imperfect hearlnir and when It II l entirely en-tirely l closed Deafness Is I the recall and unless the Inllinimatlon ran be taken out and this tube sectored In us normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever for-ever nine cocoa out of ten are caused by Catarrh which la I nntlilnit but an Inn flamed condition of the mucous sur tar tarW We nlll che One Hundred Dollars for any raw of DennMn caused by Catarrh Ca-tarrh that cannot b cured by Hall Catarrh Cure Send for circular free T J dlKNKr A CO Toledo O Bold by drumjtini 7Sc Hall ramlty 1111 Me If I IRot sntampllurtewlth ttlyerlne Ci 7WrlfnelM role ttl Curve lle + d 115wo ij j pJIKf Ykl Wr e ClttTAatYNN1IYtt My doctor laid I would I die but 1Uos Cure for Uonmn doss cured 1 me Amoi Kelner Cherry Valley lib Nor ga ilo Tbe smaller the soul the bigger a dollar look 7hs m a who make i bU own cod always hualittle out D cn T I I Gladness Comes a better undcrttandlrff of thin With It nature of thin many phys I leal Ills which tunlsli before pro ercf forts Kcntle I effort plcafcantcliorts rightly directed micro Is I comfort In tha knowledge that so many forms of alclsuolwnro sot sloe bus any actual du htn3 conswtcdcondl i i caw hut simply to a constipated condition condi-tion of but system which thin pkntunt family taxatio Hjrupof Figs promptly prompt-ly remove That Is I f01 It Ai 1 the alf remedy with mllllonaof fomllle nndfn evcrywhem esteemed so highly Iur nil l Icrn t itlO jflf l who I valno rood health Its btiicllclal stilettos an one tn the fact that Ills I tho ono rtmcdv which promotes Internal cleanliness without debilitating the organ on which It l nets It Is therefore rfl lmportnut In order to get Ito bcnc tidal cITicti to note when you purchase pur-chase that you nl have tlio irenulna aril I tl n tie which U manufactured by the California Cali-fornia FIg Syrup Co only and sold by all rrplltablo druggists If In tho enjoyment of good health I nlllf rlOt r rr anti the syttcra fn regular laxatives or other remedies art then not needed If I aflllctoil with any nctiinl illseue tins may et l > commended to the I float kklllful plntlclans but If In nerd of a laxative one khould have the best und with tlio I well luforme1 everywhere Syrup of Ilpibtands highest urnl Is most largely used and if Ires most general latufacllon I list High Cn < bslered lyre f ° ii M 1 1 BICYCLES iwi i I rWK l i Bib I ULtd ferjjjujMufj 1tjittrI Y 0k W i uaiY l u t xb 1 I I LINDSEY OMAHA RUBBERS j I Know Thsrli CCICNCli HELPS YOU TO DD YOUR OWN DOCTOR Prom the Km nradford 1a Too few propte ire acquainted with the rapid advance of medical science nnt too many doctors are still plodding plod-ding In the old paths One It comes lo I im that people know thrinMlves that nil ph > lclan > ore nbrenst of tin worlds knowledge much of our out ferlriK nlll come to nn end Medical scientists are not dtUInc Into the depth 1 of knowledge for the mere ben eflt of brother pli > slclnns but for the benefit of the worl I They place In the hands of the well man a means of l e eilmr well in tha hustle of Ihe deli man a means of recovery To the parent par-ent the Rive the power nf ravine the child Silence Is l worklnc for youwll > ou neetpt the proffered help Mrs leorc Itowend an estimable lady who reside e nt Ni rw < l Cast Main HI ml has rout to feel grateful to wand the science of medicine HIe stnleil lo n reporter that she hid lien suffering with u femnlo trouble for many rite Hh had been doitnred for the oilmen for a tuna timeIn fuel nearly all her llfeand had never received anything more lhan temporary relief During the last three > ors IUT rondlllnii 1 grew woo and was NKKriuited by an iiffertlon of bite heart Her health was so poor that slit found It utmost Impossible to perform her hmitcheld duties I never liellevcil In proprietary medicines med-icines mil Mrs Ilowend but one day last fall I read an article In n nenspater which told of the u effected ef-fected by fr Williams lInk Illli nod I decided lo try the rnedlcln > Ilefore I had taken the ronlenls of one IHIX Ito began I-to tech better The drprrimliig ninhnerp ovblh hind olliered > me form for-m ninny genre Ixgnn to dlenp ear slid the ncllon of Iho heart at once became be-came ulroiuter and more regular I look nine tmxes of bite pill slid I am luiw felling ester l than I have fur M < rrnt > earr end I have unbounded unbound-ed faith In this medicine Dr Wlllhims fink Pill contain nil Ihe elements sines vestry lo KV new life find richness to the blnnd and restore shattered nerrs They are for nl I by nil ilrucKlntn or may be hud by mull from 1 > r Wllllama Meillclne Cninpnny Hchi neclndy N Y for M cents per box or nix boxes for tM Unit lure lenrilnnxU I Ilie 11shnh 1 the bon Hue to ht Ixiuli I and quark rout Cost or Hoiilh Airlt 2Irt and May 111 Knunlai to II atl roIOI1II s1 I tulnts Mouth et sun lure for the roand trip with UUUadde1 JUNK IClh National IlecuUlran Coiiicotlon at tit I ioula JULY Id Nstlonal Eduratlonal Auoclatloa at Ilullalo JULY bib brlitlsn Rndeavor Convention st 1nhlo lou JULY rind National 1lotJt and Silver Convention s t Ht Louis For rata time taGea sad further Information Infor-mation rail at the Ualuh ticket olllra I 1415 rarnsm Bt Paxton Hotel Wok or write Uto N IJIITOV N W Pass At Omaha KoU I Penobscot means the rock river IIU rare In t Ieslnle anti eralins On May S homeneekero excursion ticket n III tie sold from all point In the W ent soul Northweet over the lllir four Iliiute and I hrMpeake A Ohio sly toMrelnln amlNiirtli Carolina atone at-one fare for the round trip Settlers looking for a home In the South ran du tin Welter than In Virginia there they have cheap farm honda no bill lAd no cyclone mild winters never falling rroii cheap transportation and thin lest market end for free He crlptlve iMmphlel exuirnlon rate and time folder t I Irultt N W I1 A gal tI lurk hi ChlcnKo Ill 11 > inl 1 I run fnl An the H eat Is It In t often inslarloiM Hut It UpleMant lu Snow ibotn eomieient of I Rusrdn the ohaiieof llmlellero Miinin li IlllleriieXUlo I ohlib abMillllel nillltie llo b lom nt miasma eoierli Ixunil em I trouts should hem IliU In mind Nor nla l il II W lortoilen the Mlles I i > nUTllnn r n tiljr fir ilriivMU I iillll ii < ni > o romtiin I Ion Itlilnejruhil imr > uu 0 rvtupluliitt > nd j roelmstbm llxre H I no erlhe I rs t y M Trent M that In iilllletunn I The More tine Poo kcrs alaserress Ili It Ilns + mlaaaY I to tin al Ilse ahM loda11sr1 w1aM1 era t Iuio ul aAa a s Ilse moo I tlniehwl llternry prlnluet use I no rh1I1I for thin I reader 1 Vs atslxrId I I Mira See r learw rIt laN tuIMWre 71 Ie srO lies IraM wk IllasetwNr N 1rr gtaa 1be I < mrr ti7rlht ullrn loss thus aunt e ettllR suit hTtltrlnnrl li A it + aiiwlnu M e1 TMIW 0l w 11 w Iwll 1 r t 11 r Ur ILrYl Alaa ll Walr Ihn 1 lnlfeorih n KUliil I oi lTnTli eltlite1 1 t lllllWliHllxtiKif mil Ibere It l no leinplnlluii fur w uiati to wesral Isl suite hasp le Ou111ng Teln nn nJso IkiUU and rail HIM rtm dr Uu wlssses swtnixi sm f for i klUr n miitac rilllnl lolf lenuiit bun for rats heap AJi to or nllte lIl 1 Ant Ill K llh Ht Omaha Xti The tilt of the Season 1 h made b7 Aers Sltnn s ii purple Just I nt title sesson w when Spring nod its tlrhlll latlllu days I nro wllh III them 18 nolh 11IJlIkrefS SnURI11II1 to put IIrf Fie Into the lnIlRIh src 1 tcmItIrrl > 5 IIwny the dull IIClll lack or r 1I1ICUIl lan 7f tlIhlnr node j y nod-e lnin liS n broom swecpe IIwny coho ll I wellS Itdoes 111 Rot brace bull 1 I It build Ills 1 Y lis benefit be I lasting 1n you feel run downl Taka I AVERIO Sarsaparilla I fend forCuretaek looteak fate J C Ayer Co Lowell ylASa OOOOOODOOOOOpCOpCXOOOO Queer Names A CrickA Tht A alllth hm j X y Q1 xJJ tAW N II I 7ug1 o I Iaueflte I zo F 8 odSooooBooboooooooooooooo sesr11wo111INwnutatshlwueS1Jacobs I ft I 011 li r 1 1 t r Y I v k r tllildlsl 1 4 The coming Artist who knows enough to paint a popular subject N J A J PLUG You get 5M oz of Battle Ax for tO cents You only get 3J a oz of other brands of no better quality for JO cents In other words if you buy Battle Ax you get 2 02 more of high grade tobacco for the same money Can you afford to resist this fact We say NO unless you have Money to Burn o WALLPA fcHJHtE Would be du thin IIINTI Se nblth ditti not rrquln li > I lakes oil to leniw 5500 nol harbor norm but dUo > i I them eJ ney un1 can bash 11 en r IJ by u plet dusters 0011 lor cud I wllh Nmplrs ALABA TINE CO Grand RapIds Midi sXv x < xx > xy v FARM LANDS for Sale to theIIr of VIInu Nurth 1IY W h lro 1t rU reu AIrW S N ww r r 1 Kwulub r M JI w144M1 L wawlLnn Nr 1WYI A Y1 nA Ily n hnLr1 Lfunnel Wn with n0 en 1 JN I a LlrWnllele 1 Mlll le aelLfet ul n i 0 llr to Il e V iI 1 Iona Af nt ea0 Iw A 1YrhnrlaYl 1 It N i ale rfi ItItN ptlt0i Iw ililw Il4eivlul hy ary NunLaP fmNl 1 WE HAVELulloo AGENTS lu Mn 1 < 11M thus euw uma a rbol 1 par huts lisle fur u Ile Ibn Wst 1 LrrJ thlnf weexl M 100 q1 ul h11 in m tI r Yn 11 nil ealr sN n elm lb IlItnsl rus 1111tT CIPeIItr Ila ru alw Iw uust W II 15r 5m7 555 BUGGIES of r m BUBfiJK r r 1 o r r eS 1 d I WYww A IW I + 1 + n t Y fill NYi fi1 Illt lay l IIIkW Il + w nn wYo SCHOOL DESKS K < SilfJlM K tE lu 4 x V A I nl he Wuro Bthool Supply Iloui n Moll I 0 f ioiiiiiiiiKiii5 C lrrl C fK I VKSTUIKTCO > < I 111 lvl 1 DROPSY TllrTU rusts 1UIIJ Cured with trgrluiiie 1IIOdl 5less raret l1xusW etesl Olin coo am auuxcod obr ihbhiset Irv n 1 Sw r Ii r t Maderret l5orltbldr al rind IMh Lunb aeI alolm 1 lio Isoe TM d o tr IYst Igoe amIL uyris 1newtnd 1 10 xaa n0 II II lira a na ANn4 Ua If w Ynlr 1011 rwro w1dnwuNSt w as WELt MACHINERY lllnitnU1 ealllnnil WimilOB WKLt AllltllK 1 UIKKMIIIIM IIVMIiifUU AMI JUTTINO UALIIINKIIV etc bur r0 late 1e tstW sad all luorlu5rrd sour llie yaolaI 1 I Wok rue w to ItrA 11 f4 1 u ales 1 laws TII Itostta t1nf h 0 La lb 1111 WI Inrentn leek xer1 clir II I r PARKEII8 Ih > JUAS i5hftMki h oroN r LwYltw Ili bath t r11 i br Dry ILIr to n eub tor r sn r l + noinn l it WHIOKY U u > louse INIw nuwi > N gi > I W N t I OMAII 171800 Vlicn writHip to rsdvrttetre kindly I mention tills paper I x i Ikl tsca bru lie Va to um wCi er nuv nr i O O Y I |