Show 1111 Cnrll I The city council met Monday night Mayor Wright In thv chair On mollon J IL Wilde wai appointed recorder for the evening Iteconler liar ton bring abient Councilmen Cliapll Clark Hint and Wilde anl ere < i lo roll call Alter prayer h Councllainn Chap > elt the minnle of the meeting held September Sep-tember oh were read 1 and accepted IULI The following bill were allowed w r eh5 Nn el1100alet i e wft rr 11 in A Wrlkt armIr wool II la Jtmn Mflih InmUr 1 m 111 Miami ran luirinl 110 The bill ol Henry Whealnn fur haulIng haul-Ing brad etc while watnnaiter amounting lo MOW wai referred to committee on claim Ktuiar o > r owcrui The city rcmider 1 quarterly report a follow wai read and referred to the proper roramlltte lll nUIH MHXT HrliUM MNI iMiil Mnw UUI wrwuoiMJii I ns1 illr > nn M M limki > > Jiiirl itir 110 111 Iltk lisle rlmIteal 14II rrlmlnil I IA on KiMlrrjr It m IVvrlorwllh itA io Jth eeedrteao in Jalt nfctntlMii i10 in = 11 OriflMiw It in > ll > urnivn ul hM 1161 ea Yew innn jii + Tniiurmuliri 111 Tue1 ii fAq M 011 lets Lkmiti IJWM tmrtj tot l ll 1f3 Mil sea TMI lutfWtliw lll l 77 tMlUInu nllIT lnllo log li I the city treasurer monthlv report whlthwni referred to the coin in 11 tie tlnincei I I IIICIIIT To I lane am hand 1 Ta Mesa 110 f Ton 1077 UOCO > tip rdeems1 wintnli ta 00 lUUnn on hand tar lIli ttitmiti rxiiurta I iviw The quarter report 01 the city treasurer i treas-urer was alto 1 iiihmUted and referred to committee on flnance iniTioNa K II llhcad aikisl for two weeks further tliuo In mulch to comt > l > lelhe plat for the now additional survey and en motion Imo request was grunted I urn hetaiglten October Slit tocoin plebe hie work The petition ol Carl Collander and othen asking far the cutting down ol the city llrulti was iiibmltted The lutes sod boundary I ol the piopored cut olfwero when In tho etltlon and Kit ilgnatirto I were attached thereto The Hit ai carefully gone over and the council found that the ilgnatnrei ol the lequlillo number of qualified elector had not teen secured and the Klltlon was therefore tabled Adjournment wai then taken loH bolter tsti I bciuHlIctlon br Councilman Clark |