Show AMERICAN SCHOOLS trolls 01 Tlnlr Ink e oepaeed ntlli loICh enable Colonel 1 liolwrt 11 Ingrrtall care ut trim to a few striking educational rullit In a re rnl address delivered IN for the IlIrvlI1I ealdiera ot his regl bent Hmwood HL lie said We prnt more for tchewl per bead then any nation In the world tlrent Hrltaln iptmls U 30 per head on tho common schools franca spends So cents Austria 30 cents Germany fo rents Inly S3 rents and the United stslesoter 5l60 I tell you the school house Is the fottrcMof HUrlv i Every school homo lnn iunon l tilled with itcspons and ammunition to cltro the moniters of Ignorance and fear As I have said tin Ihoutand times the school hou > in l my calbrdrnl She teacher It I my preacher lilghlv set en percent of ill the people of the Untied Males over ten years ol ago ran read and write There Is no lurallol l for lust In the hllory nt the wide world Our < OOODIXI ul educated clllicnt to whom are open all the treasures of ilL ersture IVrtytm millions of people I tpeople able to read and vrrllol 1 say there Is nopsralltl for this The nations of tf iLI antiquity rrrre ns Ignorant s dirt 1 when compared with this great repute He of ours There Is no nation In the world tint can them a record like ours 1Ve ought to bo proud of It ought Ob rloel el lo build l more schools and b rlo them better Our teachers ought to be paid more and everything alight to be taught In the public schools that Is worth knowing I I Itlleio that the children of the republic no mailer whether their father ate rich or poor ought to bo 11 tottOr allowed lo drlnli nt the fountain of education ed-ucation and It doe not cost more lo leach CTtrjtlilnz In thin free schools then It oboe 10 leach reading writing and ciphering Slave Wo kept up In other ways The poitoftlce lolls A wonderful story In Hwltmlnnd going through the pnstofllre In each year are letter etc In the proportion of 71 to each Inhnu Hank In England I the number Is COIn CO-In Uermany ti1i In Trance 301 In Atit Iris 411n Italy in and In this United Mates our own home 111 Think at It In Italy only 13 cents paid per held for the support of public schools and only sixteen tellers And this Is I tl place where lexis I agent lives 1 would rather have ono good school muter thin two such agents |