Show CXPERT SEAMEN An 11e Bonk Tint tun tin llnly Prophet IIJ An Odessa Idler of recent date says One of tho oddest vcsuls afloat arrived ar-rived a few days ago > Odessa and U I moored on the lower quit She belongs to the convent on Mount Atboi and Is called the Holy Prophet llja liilas Bho Is I brigrigged and sails under the Turkish flag but a Greek cross It I carried car-ried on both mastheads and slue differs from Ibo ordinary Turkish ships by her scrupulous cleanness The Clip lain It I n Jcromonnch a monk ranking higher than a friar and nil the sailors nre monks or lay brothers ttlll they aro expert women Thus pilot Father IrnkllJ Hercullut has crossed all the oceans and tones sailing around tho wide world since 1800 Tho entlra crow crew zpeak both Illusion and Greek Ben Ice on tho ship alternates with worship wor-ship In Iho little church In the fore castle It It quite a curious ngui to lie hold these monks In their long frocks and sandals climbing up the masts along the yardarms reeling tails or hanging almost over tho water on the foremost point of Iho bowsprit The brig brought here a load ot bricks from Constantlpople and goes In ballast to Marin pol where she will take a cargo of flour corn fish and other provisions which aro to furnish tho supply for tho convent for a whole year According to tho sailmonk own stnlimenlt the Holy Irophet llja It I a smart author and runs eleven knots an hour In a fair wind She It 1 105 feet long anti carries n cargo of 200 tons |