Show ONC HUNPnCD VUAP8 AGO stir Uol tiiigro iCce SI Cuetm h1 suiitliiil I 50 tlicy 015 m1iie Dartmoulli Collego consisted of a wooden building ItO feet long CO test vvldo and 3d feet high At Dartmouth Kngllsh grammar and arithmetic wcro toxtbookt In Iho lonh omore year 1rlnrcton Iho greatest Trptbytcrlan colleRO vat a lingo ttona edifice lln faculty contlttliiR of n president vice iretldcnt one profc or two matter of language and tovcnty ntudenti Harvard tlnlvcrtlty had four brick buildings tho facult conslstnl of n president and nix profeteani and III Hu hulls thronged 1JO to 100 ttudentt Yalt boattvd of ono brick building and n chapel with n ttccplo tuG f thigh t-high The facult wot a president n rrotottor of divinity and thrco tutor Tho grratett Kplncoiial college In tho Unltc l StaIn woo William and MarTI It waa under royal and state patronag and win therefore moro aubttantlally favored than most of our Amerlcnu tchoolt At this time It 15 I tab In u curious old stab report tIme college vm n building of three stories tHis a brick Ulln and had thirty ReutUmen stnilcnti Tho ntudenta halted In dormltorlea ole at tIme comment and were saIls nil with what wo would consider prlton diet Ilreakfatt n small can of ooffvo a ll cult ikout an ounce of butter but-ter Dinner otio pound of weal two potnloM and tome vegetable Supper Sup-per bread and milk Tho only unlimited un-limited tupply furnished was cider which was pained In n can from moutl lo mouth Tho daa were spoken of nn boll day roost day ttew day etc |