Show f JCTbAM n A now locomotive DIM Wlihlngtot made thlrtyflve mites Is 1 thirtythree minutes and Jar a part of the distance ran at the rate of 102 miles an hour The map on the north wall of the Broad street station of the Iennsyl vanla railroad Philadelphia Is I fifteen feet wide and 120 feet long and Is I said to be the largest mop In the world The Incomes from the London dally papers are thus put down Dally Telegraph Tele-graph 130000 Times 1120000 Standard i ra dard 170000 Morning Post 45000 t Dally Chronicle 140000 and Dally r New 30000 t U Is estimated that SO per cent of tbI I nol manufactured by Tennessee II Old outside of tho southern states It M Is said to bo the favorite Iron with pipe plow and stove maker In this cast and north r The total wheat crop ot New Zealand I Zea-land for this year Is 3G13000 busbcls a or 1000000 less than for the previous r rear It Is I estimated that the colony will have to Import 600000 bushels to supply llr own requirements Of the four nationalities making up the population of Great Urltaln and Ireland Ire-land the Scotch are tho heaviest menthe f men-the average weight being Scotch 1753 r pounds Welsh 1CSS pounds lingltsh I US pounds Irish 141 pounds i |