Show A PIIENCH DCAUTY Mil d JItII h lb IrrtllMl mIn m-In tla lurU lUltrl Mile de Merodo It I the most beautiful woman In the ballet and the grand yym lll Citt F r I 1 f I I y I MLLi DE MPnOOB I opera In Paris She Is I only a coryphee and It I and will be always an Indifferent I Indiffer-ent danseuie Hut her beauty and the I fact that abe wna the first In the French capital to adopt Iho Mystic the Leonardo Leon-ardo fashion of wearing an overflowing wealth of hair have led her to celtb > rlty She la I tall has a placid chore graphic grace and offered In her pale blue domino n rare poetic picture at the opera masked balls last winter at Ibo threw bouquets from her logo to her I admirers below m I |