Show TERRITORIAL NOTES Ilea of Inlret stlraeJ from nuT nu-T Yonha Tilbune There are now depending upon Salt Lake county for aid ai abuts no leu than 1W amlllei or over 600 mouths Leslie Dunn a twelvo year ohl boy was run over by a locomotive and ten dernt Provo Saturday afternoon situ In smutty killed Hrlglmm Ilugler Tliiirnlay at 230 a mlho lulrlt departed from lilt body I I and Pamnel Hmlth li I na more Ho died at bmllhllcM whirr he lies been for several months The clileddfodd ujiened In RaIl Lake on Thursday lost the atlomlenco at the oixtnliiK reaching 10000 Such inuilc has never before beiii beer Intlio greet Tabernacle It lnl a grand luccen Injeon Globe John Diem the oldest citizen of Iayiqn died at till homo about oclock Wednesday morning lie seas horn on the Sib day of July I 1800 being two month and I III clan otcr eo year old ut tho time of hit death Tcx > lo Trnnnrlpt It It our i d duty this week to announce the death of one ofTouele best known and inoul highly retpecled tlllient Dr William lloifo Dodi aged 01 ycan He tons taken with a stroke of paralrtli last Sunday morning aliout oclock and died last Monday enlnit ut S10 oclock heralds Judge Samuel Smltlsof Itox iKlcr county dial at hli home In bajllh field Cache county on Wednesday hart The 1cfll1 wa a pioneer and was held In the hltiheit se teem by n wide circle of friends throughout the territory Several eartnohe nenod ai nrobale I rlleJa i r1 Judge of Itox Cider county |