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Show Hamming the MUalaalppl. Work will be begun before the year I out un n dam nero the Mlttlttlppl river, nl Ihe foot of the Do Molne rapid, for tho development of wnlcr power It will be tho greatett project of tho kind except the combined work nt .Niagara, tho iUiii tho grcatott In the wurld except those built by the Ilrlllth lu thn Nile A minimum ofj CJ.000 horau power la to bo obtained and trnntmllted to factorte In the' heart of tho agricultural center of tlml nation The dam will ho in tight of tho tbrro stale of Iowa, llllnolt and Missouri, Ihe legislatures of each alato having adopted rutolutluns approving tho work and promlrlng nil possible aailitanre The catlmatod rott of tho work will be 18 000 000 which It 1100 per borto power on Iho minimum pow. or capacity of CO 000 horao powtr Tho cost of aupplylng power. Including nit fixed charke maintenance, operation nnd all oxpentes. Is closely estimated nt eight dollars per horsepower year, tho cost of il nam power In Iho territory terri-tory within 100 mllea now being from 110 to 0r per hnrepoworenr, with ICE nt n conaervatlvo avuraso The World Todn |