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Show THE SEA SERPENT APPEARS TO THE SCIENTIST lale Handed l)(mn ol wonderful Creature MonMcr Rcienllr Seen bv SVrll knon Vaturalitt I rq ot the Vd Snake I . I . -- Verll) Ihe poivirsllv i( mankind pAsaeth all understanding And If I (here lie an) who would challenge the Justice n( tliln aphorism lei htm reflect tor a moment n the (uu Dint w talk of Hie Phoenix a If It wire n'Hl Kml of the sea-serciit an though it won , n purely mythical henst" lint the erient I titnliiilily himself in blame for thin, inasmuch an he Ih Indiscreet enough to alum dimwit from time tit (lin to tbnee whu ku dirnn to the sen In (hlii lt't a lth other dlsllngoltliiil mortals, ever) body who haa occasion to rrm the ocean burn (or an opportunity to boast an c qualntanre Kith thin IfetlngulahH dweller. In Die deep Naturally, land Inbuer out ot pique mill Jealous) lietlitle tho exerl encea of those who profess in have seen tlila monster and yet live' lint, as a rule. In their effort to (rush, the lwve to nil- wenpone obtained at second Imml, weapon borrowed from other ik iiih traveler who assure n on their own experience, that the sen-sorpent sen-sorpent I a creature vnlnly Imagined, n llgmcnt of 1 1n- brain, n thins born of after-dinner orglea, It may oven Iiavn n M-mlilaiiei of renllt). tint when nnal)zed It pniv to ht nothing morn Uian a school of iorHiliit pln)lng nt "follow-in) loader a gigantic cuttle-flih cuttle-flih vnlnly waving It long nrma In nn endeavor to escape th grip of Barm hungry whale' (In octiisliiiiB, Indeed, tint mm serpent tin turned out (o bn nothing more ltiti-i xt Ins than n lloat Ins spar decorated with a tangle of sen weed' A vnst ntnouut hnn been written about the va serpent, but of all tho stories that havo been told It la ami , to rellect that thorn) of clergymen surpass In wlldness of elaboration awn tho nrns Invented lth Intent to deceive" At leant, o a)a Mr Prank lliillen--ninl he oiiRht to know! Uuu or two of tin! more serious lie countM aio worth repealing No Ioiik er iiko than IR'JI. ono I'eter Nelson, a (juarturmiiiiter, and Ihciufoip 'mi honorable man," saw from the deck of tho Hotnmuhnnii u hi nut with the hend of an eel and him tin fed Ioiik rlso 30 feet out of tho water It wn dark about, nud whlto below Ho guvo n loim necount of this strange beast, yet, no fur, Oioho whom ho Intruded to convert only nplj that It wna "very , Ilka a whnlo" In short, that ho saw nothlns morn llinn a whalu "breach-InR." Capt. .McQuhue, of II M H Daedalus, and his ortlcer. In 1818 created al great sensation In Hngland h) u sen soi ont story which at tho time was discredited by the lato Prof. Hlr Hlch aril Owen Hut time bring It re-venues, re-venues, for It may turn out that tho professor was wronK llrlcfly. ho reported re-ported hnvInK seen an enormous tor-pent tor-pent with head anil shouldors some four feet out of tho water, und somo 40 feet of Its body on tho surface. It passed rapldlv so close to the ship that a man's features nt Ihe same distance dis-tance could easily Imvo hoen dlttln-gulthod. dlttln-gulthod. It hud nn fins, but somothtnK Ilko souweed washed about Its back. Now within the last few weeks tho honor of tho coptnln and his officers, or rathor, tholr credit as observers, has beon slnRularly vlndlcnted. for ut tho last mcetliiB of tho Ixuidon Zoological Zoo-logical society Mr K II Moade Waldo and Mr. M. J. Nlcoll described a creature crea-ture soen by them from the dock of tho earl of Crawford's yacht, tho Valhalla, Val-halla, which bears a rcmarkablo resemblance re-semblance to that seen from tho paodalua These two Rentlomcn, accompanied ac-companied Iiril Crawford as naturalists natural-ists during his usual wlnlor cruise. Doth nro woll known naturnllsts. nnd one Is n member of tho council of tho Zoological socletj Tho story they unfolded to. brouthlossl) excited as ecrably of tho Pellows Is brlolly this. When off Turn on December 7. 1905. at ten n m . they wero standing on the dock of tho jacht, when their attention atten-tion wan caimht hj a curious sail like object of Bonio four feet lonK and two feet hint) wuvliiK from side to side In Ihe water. No sooner had they turned their classes on to this strange object if than theie hih-hmi1 ii huge eei like neck Home sis feet Innu nd a thick as a man thigh ami thl nek was iirmoutited hv a great turtle like head with line I'li'i now lnirlie high above the M'l. which wn quite palm It wn dark colored nlsive and silvery whlto -below fler n few moment the head and neek were lowlv lowered and when level with the water with vto lently laahoil fnmi side to side rhuin Inn up the sen Into a Brent lnt "f foam, and then It vanlshnl AiUerm wlndeaiiil tbehlp to bent about no that nt mldnlnht the) weie mil) 21) mile from the -ene of the moinlna Thl I noleworihv tHintiHol when Mr Nleoll eame on derk iiln r breakfaal one of Ihe ottli er mine up and leportml that diirlnx the nlKlit he miw a trance eommntlon In the wnti r t llrt he thoiia-ht It wn nk awash," but a most careful exnmlna Hon showed Hint It wa a Iteiint of ome kind traveling faster than the ship, whli Ii wn then makliiK nl) about I'lKhtanilahnlf knot Ihe of llccr 'hulhil the deck" and the lookout look-out man. nnd thus not wllnesso to this weird phenomenon Though the en wn culm, nnd there wiih n bright moon, nothing satisfactory could bo mndo out owing to Ihe "wnsli" which the creature wa mukliiK. hut In Its movement It resembliil n Milinmrlnu truvetlug Jut below the surfHce Kerloual), wo can no longer regnrd tho sea serpent' n n mlh There un bo no ipietlon hut that tho ocean harbor wime secret vv tilth we have not j el penetratml It seem unlikely Hint this cviislvo creatine should bn n ilctHcndnnt of tho old PlesloMuri I A HUnil KKI.-I.IKK NKCK AWKAltM) which bet nine extinct millions of jenrs iiko. tlioush tho resimblanco to ihone innllKlerH Is strlklnK Mnro imihiilil) It will prove In ho somo lilmrii) form of leptlle Hut tho re-sembhiuco re-sembhiuco hetwei ii tho description Klveu h) these sentleineii and that given li) tho olllcvr of tho D.iednlus ngrees tixi tlosel) to hit passed by, nnd furthermore, both usreo with tho description of a similar creature sten olT Tonuulu some four jenr since It I possible Hint It mny evi u prove to he a "serpent." Por It I well known that tho land muikes linen iossesscd limbs, und some kIkuuIIp forms of sea snuko inn) well jiavo preserved Its limbs, though now transformed Into paddles, like thosn of the turtle and I whalo W P. PVCIIAPT. |