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Show The Coalville Times H PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY H r. O. llniW. K. J HTtnSil tiittr TlioneS) I JCOA L LH 4 I WASATCH MINE! LH T H X Our coal Is the beat there la for A H - atcam and domeatlc purpo ' ? HI Mj J AT THB MINB THE PRICES lUHl Hfflflu j H LUMP $Z50 I :!: STOVE zoo J H j! Patronize a Rom fntfasfry. t H p BSBBSBBaBSBanHOHaaKSsst A I WE3ER COAL CO.. f l KINO OF ALL LINIMENTS 1 H M CUM3 RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIN aval m nn,mt, ni, wuum; au, wummiwi o mi i eaaaf., Liifl - flaTi mmmwmmlM mWf k LaLw " ' mr A aW aw i a 'j H 1 READ THIS REMARKABLE CURB I H H "I wi much afflicted with luenmitlim, wtltct V TaVafl ' nd.C.Hd,IoweTUl,8lgTrlckCo.,Kanai, "going AY BH about onciatch.i md .afl.iini? a Ktt.tdeil of pln. MB j i I wm tndactit to try nallird'ibnowLlnuntnt.wblcb V) H M cuttd m, alter utlnR Ihfie SOc bottltl. ITISTIIlt Sf Baal B OUKAT8STUNIMUNTIKVHR.U8nDhalec. (1 BH JM ctnmendcd It to numbtt ol pttion. ail capitis HB fBH (H thimMlvti ai being btiiBlnl by It. I now walk W i-f-Bfl m without cnrthti, and am ablt to perform tat ( BBH H dal ol light labor on tb (urn." W H , THREE SIZES: 25c. 50c AND $1.00 I H 1 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO. 1 VH ST. louu. u. s. a. m H wVHaVHaavkV0awaVaVta'lMaVk1aa0l)fV H BOLD AND RECOMMKNOKD BY CT3iTO. BOlTODSiT & SOUS. I I GR.ASS CREEK COAL ;g at i I GR.ASS CHEEK MINES I BbH H & We have the very best Coal there b (j H on the market fur domestic or , ' . ? H ( ttcam purposes, V q EH "if. s B ) ' o - , a B g WELL SCREENED DOMESTIC JO'?'? , S) LUMP AND STOVE MIXED... 'i5lxj I B , o ii . e (h mm . ' There Is no shoveling or waiting, as 0 ljPaf ) we navc a 6 $Ni S SPECIAL CHUTE FOR LOADING J MJ & TE-MS k I '1 GRASS CREEK COAL CO. 1 awH y ( I "Make Hay White the Sun Shines There is a lesson in the work of the thrifty farmer, He knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and he prepares pre-pares for the showers which are so liable to follow. So it should lie with every household. I)y-sentry, I)y-sentry, diarrhoea, and cholera morbus may attack some tnesf bc of the home without warning. warn-ing. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera Chol-era and Diarrhoea Remedy, which is the best known medicine med-icine for these diseases, should always be kept at lund, as immediate treatment is nrcessary and may prove fatal. Sold by Jno. Hoyden & Sou, Butter Wrappers. Butter wrappers (priutcd; will be charged for at this office at the following rate: For 500 $1.35. For 1000 Ji 00. For 5000 StJ.oo. Your return card printrd on too envelopes for 75 ceuts at THE TIMES office. ) Summer Diarrhoea in Child ) ren. During the hot weather of I the summer months the first ) unnatural looseness of a child's I bowels should have lnundiatc attention, so at to check the I disease before it becomes setious. All that is nccessiry ts a few ' doses of Chamberlain's Colic, ! Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy j followed by a dose of castor cil to clean.ie the svstem. Rev. M, ) O. Stockland, Pastor of the first M. 15. Church, Little Falls ) Minn , writes; "We have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera I) and Diarrhoea Remedy for sev- 9 eral years and find it a cry 1) valuable remedy, especially for a summer disorders in children," j Sold bi Jno llodcti & Son D !T -. S rF?VH CopYHiaHTtic v Anton. i.nlln,. ,l,i . jawrn .,, ) jmI ;r ut .111 ir t rtxoUiwu ItouMnclljr nMwlhl HMtak(uluSK f .wtlr.fciillMlM.iitM f.iliiiuu. r 1-u.km turn tin uih kan IHWntMti j Scientific American, fj A bull m.lrlll.ilr.lM'wklr Lntr. f nun n.l.nr.r.iua nil Tarsi U. .1 GalvMton's Sea Wall mikes life now as safe in that city as on the higher uplands. E. W. Goodloe, who resides 011 D itton St in Waco, Tex., needs no sea wall for salety. He writes. "I have ued Dr, King's New I Discovery for Coosu-nption the past five years and itjkcepj me well and safe. Before that time I bad a cough which for years had been growing worse. Now it's gone," Cures chronic Cou-ghs, Cou-ghs, Li Grippt, Croup, Whoop-ing Whoop-ing Cough and prevents Pneumonia. Pneu-monia. Pleaspnt to take. Every bottle guaranteed at Jno. Boy-den Boy-den & Son's drug store. Price 50c and 1 1.00. Trial bottle free. Hotting ptp.r, Well, aar ejlor, a tea tht.l atthli offle.. Don't forj.t that mnJ Th. Tlmti KHKF. 10 aliiloaarl.i la all parti ol th. toltJ Stat.i .ad C.na.1.. Ymtltu ai.ilonirl. wi jpt toehar.nougli tocor.r po.t.r.. Hnttir irrapp.ri for ni. at Tlie Time. oOcs. Katra Notices 'JScJwrdoz I., Jllnlnj loc.tloa notice., I5 p., doa llbli oHc. Souvenir postal card for sale at this office. Don't Grumble, when your joints acheand you suffer from rheumatism. Buy bottl- of Ballard's 3now Linimeac and get instant relief. A niwiitvc cure for Rheumatism, Brrnts, Cuts, Contracted Muscles- Sore Chest, etc. Mr. I. T. Bogy, a prominent merchant of Widow Point, Texas, says that ho (Tads Ballard's Snow Liniment' the best all round Liniment he ever used, Sold by Jno. Boydem & Son Ul MMW uL Wtuilli PAT KMTm, THAT ray, MnniM u uwrou&r ulZ IpaMaUnmUMW, "' MBUlbMuaiUb,,...!,., -. p ui,r m , vJZZ'iZZl Agarn-rSTSV?. sty Jss I "The Maiden and the Man" 4jQy I5& vy Said the Miidefl to the Man. jj &tWVJ?TtPmm "IT lucJoe to you a pUn 1 ljjKJtKSfcV Jutt ihake thoie elothei they're thamt 1 K2i39lVflryP" el e " tu' nU('e 'Lamms' I BferSvaw J' " 2 """ 'hen depart." He did ai the commanded jflSaJMaLal' And when coming btelc thui "ORAND"-ed lffiSiBaP He wai greeted with iweet Uughter: UHl lBaLa? She uld "Much to me you're worth JM JHflB CJothed with THE BEST ON EARTH" VUA And they Irred hippy ever after. IjJIMr Evrry man whs seeks to clothe himself wjth the" "UtlXjlFw sithfictory Wod of made-to meisuri ippirtl should &M M follow the maiden's Injunction. Th "tAMM" kind (ram "8 tart to Flnlah" makos good Its labal "THE BEST ON EARTH" That means mlterU, trimming, workmanship and fit; and they're made strictly foryno-not for the other fellow. They're toney saving cloths becauss of their Lasting qualities. Never get out of shape and always have a smart and natty appearance. Prices wo right, too. "Seeing Is believing" and If you haven't ordered your Spring attire yet, put us to the test by calling at "THE BEST ON EARTH" CLOTHES SHOP You'll fin J there a Urge mi superb line of Spring and Summer materials to select from and courteous treatment-buy or no buy. ITS WORTH LOOKING INTO. ASK to show you our samples. I have 150 Samples Fall and Winter Stock that I cm offer at a Reduction of from S3. 00 to $10.00 on a Suit. Bring the other man's samples with you and see how easy it is fot mc to give you: from $3 00 to $5.00 more value in a suit than other lines can offer. This lot includes SUITS, TROUSERS and OVERCOATS. THE BEST ON EARTH. 1 1 HELP For Your Throat WKlto PlneBoklatswixv Is always a reliable help for your throat. If you frequently grow hoarse, White Pine will prevent the vocal chords from being so eiitKtivc. If you are troubled with tickling tick-ling in the throat and base to "hem" frequently, White Pine will relieve you If you have .1 cough fresh or old White Pine will cure It. It frees the throat of phlegm and SOOTHES THE THROAT White Pine is not disagreeable to take. Children don't have to be coaxed to take it. Two sizes ajc and c;oc. John Boyden &Sons, Druggists. TI-m TIMES only SI. 50 a YEAR University of Utah. "The Head of the Publio School Systemof theState." The University of Utah Includes the School of Arts and Sciences, the State Normal School and the School of Mines. SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCE STATE SCHOOL OF MINES. The School of Arts and Sciences offer tm. c 1 t recourses re-courses iu1 School of Mines oilers courses in: i-Geueral Science. i-MiuinR Engineering. a-Liberal Arts. a-Electncal Engineering. 3-Commcrcc and Industry. 3C,vl1 KBieeriug. 4 Government uud Administration. Mechanical Engineering. 5 Journalists. 5 Chemical Engineering, 6 Teachers' Course. Study Mining in a Miuiug Country, 7-Mediciue (first two years.) PREPARATORY SCHOOL. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. The Normal School offers: , A PreParatorv Scl'l maintained which 1 A five-year Nor.tal Course. lves preparation for the courses in General a Advanced Normal Courses. Science, Liberal Arts, Engineering, Medicine, 3 Kindergarten Normal Courses, Business, etc. Graduates from the eight grades of the public Oue year of high school work is necessary schools arc admitted to the Normal School, for admission to the preparatory school. The greatest universities of America and Europe are represented in the faculty The University Library is the largest and best in the State. The shops and laboratories aie unsurpassed in the completeness of thetr equipment. The proximity of great mines, reduction works of various kinds, ami power houses for the generation of electricity, afford excellent advantages for thorough and practical work in all the eugiuecriug courses. The undergraduate work is as thorough and complete as can beobtaiued anywhere. No tuition is charged, but auauual registratiou fee of Siois required. Registration of students, September 14th and 15th. Instruction begins September 17th.. Students arc assisted in finding suitable boarding places. The catalogue is sent free upon request. Correspondence is invited. University of Utah. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. |