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Show BOY A FLY-GA TCHER. Hut the Young- Hunter Has Hard Luck His Captive Too Thin or Too Boozy for Fastidious BUI, a Pet LI tar d. Now York A I) T No 603 In private life John Motto, aged 10 ro-imrted ro-imrted to hi manager the other day In n rebellion iihhnI Another Job Ilko that, nnd I'm qulttln'." was hi ultimatum. Mutto probabl) will teslgu anyway In con-lequeiico con-lequeiico or Ihe Joshing ot 111 assiv elate The afternoon before the uccom-IHtnyliiK uccom-IHtnyliiK adventure occurred John wn killing lime -mid Indian In his mind In the amateur lunatic nsylum where the Mercury wait for the cull of the wild Zing, went tho phone Yep," wild the mmiuger. "Yep, mum Hure An active one Sure, lady ' Here, Wi." be lawled, "a lady up I In Plflli nvenoo, near Ono Hundred I and Twenty fourth, wnnla a llvo I voung garnbo Twenty three " Mutto proceeded with due dollb ration und ftnall) arrived Ho was greeted by an elderly woman who I went to tho point. Can )ou catch Hies, young man!" Cert, loldy," teplled 60 "I've plaeil left Held In tho 'Hungry Nines' for do last two veurs, and I ain't only Hindu seven errors" Young man, 1 mean tho household fly, tho little burilng Insect. Can you latch that klndT" Loldy, I ain't no spider web, but " All right Then uitch somo for mo " Gingerly following tho woman, No COU wn conducted to tho dining room "There wore a lot of 'em In horo at breukfust time," said the woman "Hco, there' ouu uu that Delft plaque now." No COS started a swlpo that boded III for Mr PI), but hi list, descending In a parabolic curve, was arrested by hla employer, who shrieked: "Buy, boy, he careful, I wouldn't have ou break that tor anything Hare's n sowing tubla that turns Into l,rvHiiri,flHii ,, a. .. .A- a step ladder oii can use that Don't catch em on the glssswnro or on tbo plate rack (let 'em on the walls or celling or table, but bn euro-fill euro-fill not to scratch the mahogany, bo-cause bo-cause I hail It imllshed last week." Por in hour No tn tailored He broke eol one tumbler and n couple of chlm things that he afterward lndef)nnly described as "dluglwts " The hutting wns nir. or he waa n poor butler Probably the latter, for ho liada't Ih. lust of the chase In hi henrt Ineldtatall) his niiihiyer got on tils nerws KvervlaNly know Just exactly tan spirit of brotherly love that pemuhs the Inimiiu of u man playing t big fish who Is foittxt to listen te tke ail vice of nn oulooklng pal. It u so with (m Ho wMaped the dining room from butler's ixntry lo sideboard, enstover ovcry foot of the hall, stalked the stair ant tay In ambush In the kitchen Hut the hunting was poor, mighty ixMir At llm end of an hour Mntto had suipeodod In annexing ono squashed Htid attenuated fl) 'Oh, my'" half sobbed the woman. "Hint inner will do Dill like only fat one. Hero" Ho saying, she wroto Mntto n note, directing him to tnko It to McOtnlctile'a saloon nnd give It to Jerry Hullvnn, barkeeper. ' Plenne let bearer catch somo file" Ihe note rend Aided by Sullivan. Matlo seoofml up a handful of booty tile Ihul had lp)eil depl) and free of tin) beer on the bar ami had lost the use nf their wing 'Men)'' shrieked Ihe woman, when Malto showed hla tooll Willi it commendable degree of pride "Mill never i-oulil oat those drunken (lie They were fattened on beer, and Hill I o delicate lldea, ho Is sick." Ho am I.' retorted Matto I quit. I ain't a piece nf Tanglefoot. I'ntch your own tiles What It Hill a bird" ' No, In s in) pet lltard," explained llm lady |