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Show f m The XN DBVOTBD TO THE PEOPLE S ADVERTISE H. Vol. XIV. proveii and ordered placed on file. HEY JgRIforS OT IMES BTTMilArT COtHsTTY. JOB WORE MEETLY SUMMIT COUIT Tf UTAH. AUGUST io. iyo6. COALVILLE, ALEX. WRIGHT 'A' cuU o v EXECUTE Uo. 33. THERE! Bills amounting to about 5500 were allowed and ordered Sommit pa Committee on water commis- Major Requests Good. CoiDtj-Sotti- ds City Property ta Report sioner of district No. 2 resigned was M. Pack andS. appointed in his place. the Grasi A resolution was passed fixiug By What Authority PeterMartius Resignation AcWas Cut and Made into Hay the salaries of county officers the cepted with the Above Result ' same as they have been for the at the City Park, and What Oakley and Peoa Residents Became of the Proceeds Few past four years. Petition the Board to Make a ' Minor Matters Attended Too. teachebTattention ! New piece of Road Near. Atkinson Other Matters. A teachers examination will de held in the Lincoln School The Is Now Assessor ol R. Slllkll ' I Hand and v a. Js rutt - - Horse Rakes p The Latest Improved Push Rakes McCormick Mowers regular monthly meeting Buildiug, Park City, on August of the city council was held in The regular monthly meeting 20, 21, and 22nd, commencing of the board of county commis- at 9 o'clock a. m. on the first the city hall last Monday night with the mayor and quorum sioners was held Monday, all day. present. members of the board being Applicants who failed in any All bills with the exception present. in the or June subjects subject of possibly two, were referred Considerable routine business examination examintake may to committees. was transacted, the following ation in these subjects at this The sextons report was read being in part: W. M. Boydkn, time. and ordered placed on file. A petition was presented from County Schools. Supt. ?he treasurers monthly re a number of citizens and taxt showed something over Great assortment of souvenir payers of Oakley and Peoa, ask$200 on hind. The report was ing the board to make a new postal cards at this office. deterred to the auditing compiece of roaA near Atkinson. Advertise your goods in THE mittee. t The matter was refeired to ComcomTIMES. execotive The citizens missioners Archibald and Hoyt, report (the Fourth The End of the Werld of mittees with power to act. was read and f May L. troubles that robbed E. H. of July committee) The resignation council at a former tabled. The Neil registrar of vital statistics Wolfe, of Bear Grove, la., of all instructed the recorder of Marion, was accepted, and , uselulness, came when he began meeting ascertain to by whose authority Oissie Sorensen appointed ini taking Electric Bitters. He writes: Tws yearago Kidney and permission the city. park her stead. was used in which to celebrate The resignation of Peter Mar- trouble caused me great sufferthe Fourth of July. Since whejt tin, county assessor, was .ac- ing, which I neyet would have has the SERVANTS become cepted. Alexander Wright of survived had t not take Electric PEOPLE? THAN THE Coalville, was appointed for the Bitters. They also caret me of greater Anyway the document was th ' unexpired term, and his baud General Ddbility.' Sure cure for them with the abo5 was approved at the afternoon for all Stomach, Liver and Kid' many fabled. -- aession. diseases . ney com plaints,& the head of good o Ht Tfie statement dfthe recorder1' s Headache, Dizziness sad Weak' ';:Under the mayor, seetag tfe fees for the month of Jtme, nees or bwdily doclivA Price 50c order, council were so anxions fcr amounting to $R6 35, and July Guarranteed byjco. Boyden & committee reports, requested was ap-- Sous Drug Store. amounting to T9 the committee on city property to ascertain by what authority'! the grass was cut in the oty park and made into hay. nd'( what wa done with the proceeds accruing from the saffli. h Self-dum- McCormick Binders SOLD BY Summit lioleni & Funk W. L.HANSEN. Manocjer. "UTAH'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL J 1 :: r Astuuucr, sure. Apostles George A. Smith and George F. Richards will be in attendance at the Stake con- ierence Sunday. Unique invitations are out for a Japanese party to take place at the howseof Mrs. L. E, Bid- -' redge next Wednesday, which promises to be a swell affair. I I j Prepares Men and Women for Success in. Life. j Learning is wealth to the poor, an honor to the rich, an aid to the yonng comfort to the aged. Jj AGRICCETTRE Agronomy, Horticulture, AniIndustry. Veterinary bevence. Dating, Irriga-bo- u and Drainage, Etc. ing DflMESrii' &CIENCE ANI and Dietetic. Sanitation, ilygene. Sewing, House- mal i NOTICE. t The old Summit Stake Acad-- 1 sitetny buildiug and grounds uated on First North and First West Streets, in Coalville, are j ' hereby offered for sale to the highest bidder. Bids will be opened at 12 o'clock noon on . the The Summit Stake Academy will open at Coalville for the tenth academic year on Tuesday, Sept 4, 06. ThKschool offers this year a preparatory course equivalent the of Sth and public schools, first and second to the 7th grades School course in courses; a first-cla- ss year normal or High and all attendant subiects. dressmaking domestic arts, including Miss Belle a Barton, This course will be given by graduate of York. New Brooklyn, Pratt Institute, Instruction will be given in piano, organ and vocal music. Manual training will be introduced this year. . i Circular describing courses may be had by addressing THE PRINCIPAL, Coalville, Utah iithdavof August, 1006, hold Economics, Etc. MECHANIC A RTS Carpentry. Fort mg. Pattern Mating. Carriage building, Fouumy Work, Machine Wears, Etc. ( OUKSF are aisn and Diarrhoea Remedy is at hand. A dose of this remedy will relieve the patient before a doctor Can arrive. It has never been known to fail, even in the most severe and dangerous cases and so family should be without it. For sale by Jno." Boyden & Son. offered in Mu-i- e, ENGINEERING Mechanics. Surveying. Designing. Irrigation. Sewerage, Hydraulic, tioad and Pavements, Etc. CUM VERGE Business Administration. Aer eonntlng,Bauing. Tranuportat.ou.Conin.euiiTLaw;, Stenograph r. Etc. S IEN'E Comprising GrAEKAE vu.t.U-n- i MatLeniai.es History, Economies. gtiages. Natural and Physical Kleucts, Etc Art, 1 hystcal Training and Library Wora IT IS IMPORTANT Before von decide which s.lnwl to attend tlm you cotender carefully the opportunities aft. ided ly the or I reH-l- rs spleimul equ noeist, AaBiC't'LTi'tfAL strong Ftcuity. utirteru com e of util IV, ana toe uiutof.u ana -- ple.idid success ot it mlents and health! ul environmeut , also the to n,oral-atnosphe- coi-LKO- at the office of the Presidency of Summit Stake in Coalville Utah The right is hereby reserved to reject any and all bids. Moses W. TaviudrJ Pres. Board of Education in Summit Stake. Unnecessary Expense Acute attacks of Colic and diarrhoea come on without warning and prompt relief must be obtained . There is no necessity of incurring the expense of a physicians service in such cases if Cham a suppeat and! BOURSES OP STUDY ARTS-Cook- " Bacon. 1) 1 U A'A ulfi'iU r.xtl. Hi lire atock. farm, j.rrhards p the bfatJMdein equil-jnent- ; faeiline for thorough l ' "ie ' 7',. '! afford ex work Europe, are m charge of expert, renresent ng the Uc instituiions of Atuereaand 5 HO College opens sept. 11. W rite now for li fee Entrance No tuition. and experimentation. logue. ADDRESS - Twenty grounds, ami athletic provi tield-th- U4-- ese Iains Colic, Cholera THE REGISTRAR, Agricultural JLog:o.anij Xltaln. CoLy . I re |