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Show U- Urea ha down at L'mes and Become terly useless, but the proportion . ffl( lency 18 great enough to make au showings being remarkable for their hat p donb values. The is reached they this when that ground to of ono tomobile construction The July production of Itati mines will have a large and rich body of ore. FOR SUPPOSED tndustries of the country. "The was the largest s.nee January. comman airship holds the same rea The Daniels Mining d high-speeA airship pew shaft is being sunk on tbe pany, which owns and will develop to the possible the ftrtme as the automobile In o Osborne mine at Horseehoa Bond, in claims In th America a "Fork (Utah) doe , present stage of development Tonopah, Nevada. Gambler Makes an Idaho, ami through this shaft the mill district, hied articles of incorporation automo e the Awful Mistake in Shooting While will he supplied with ore. with the county clerk last week. Th of the tu inc.- - It is possible tbAt , He Drunk. is A mill Is to be installed on the company Is capitalized at 1500.000, and at I trials or gl'ts preltminaiv or Moore property on Dugan creek. Ill the par value of each share is 10 cents. sland may .minute weaknesses ra- case the Abe Idaho. is The plant "is to .be taken in The Belshazzar Gold Mine company but cult faults, v Iat-them Nev s gamAustin, remedying cihtica at the has- for as soon as the road is completed. ,o( Quartzburg. ldahu. hat been steadily bler of Tonopah ml lack O Brlen, a The airship ate all sirffiLiiut to opening up its determined It been has 'definitely prurly and bas'd body statt-- . to the pole will be a we" tie tender, from Manhattan, had a this uf ore blocked out readv to stope of t the t plant cyanide install of proposed ship Laved, eusih managed in a salinm here ami when I nta e. ljuairel fall at t lie Sunn) side property at sufficient size to keep the mill going requisite sptetl when the start th. th re w is an understand- parted after will have 150 for a long tlniu. During development It Mountain ractable Thunder tint If it develops jrajts Ing when next they not they would work they have lately enrountgged sulthat it will be because condition In ton capacity. t shooting w be foreseen or because H.e i( h cannot id value from$133 to 4,'arry Widener, of Blackbird, Idaho, phides ru lining ut 8 o'clock lower went to the iuuthiaci) lotahs down, a contingency i).! ton Cobalt $6 of per is exhibiting fine specimens Tc Lgnt TTisfrn- .v t ,c h at ises whenever machinery tig for O'Brien (7tirarfTi Mmuts etrSHpany. oL ore front Ills mutes Uttar" Biartebtfd The !. e for started he not him Sr flnd'ng to Us 1aik Ciiv, Utah, is making good prog-res- s In Cobalt is owing pivmiinenee On turning a coiner near tbk Mr. Wellman's Own Views. tow iV i lie value in elect rl al uses work of cutting around the to note tliat In the International hotel Pc saw Albert it .. in' for a distance ofOO feet tunnel Hutte Gold propmain the by from venture IteiKirts Ceni of a the Nevada enndiu tor mi the .lssi, ns pv o l3.mi(i-fov- t sint of thatunnel. from the lathe o know nothing proposition, erty, strictly a Balt tral railn ad and County Recorder Ji in n vtio M' uu the is 'the The , regions, making three feet u n no that tin management to on niauagguumi effect are the i. W Dwver standing together and Uj ilar mhteralfzed a day. w licit is remarkable in tjse fac, o cl: .nui'. most often tinted ar? the a In into Is finely caking t moonlight he mistook Williams uu 'U,dt .ansi'd-M- r. . Wellman for OKen of the Irving conditions under which and Dwver for Iambs Wool-to- i zone tn the long tunnel. IflWTSAm a- W m .ate s uf the oustruction i,, m,,st 1;twr it k ( Brim- - inrtner Without h most The manage! h of the Montgomery-1- 1 ..1 d nut fitting I f the ship the ' One 1 shots. sulphartoaiW and lion shavings and Wont hree Dwver The hre.l pro-,,have By tbe aid of that most tuaivelmi Bofiapart Wine near Mountain Shoshone. In ihe UnlirrogjtistrHt. Tic m. oner In which be It'..', tQn of these matu als. carefully btlllft eniiteil W lilinms' brain and which for ihe last BixtePfl years of these dangers Home, one their uii-- i locate to cs to unit finally derided selected, were shipped to the expedi- has killed hint winds adverse the has been faJt. asbetween from hillside Involyed Ut. tytigati, was that ou the The null Ow bullet stiutk Dwyer tn the left tion's base on Dane's Island thus; Mr. bv Wellman, i til nUmed to Messrs. on (Jv: Moonsold is week laht t ensional power of the inflated bag log bet ween the ankle and the knee, Shoshone and Polaris shafts. ' We bo lave In North was of ahead) a banker sy ship thf bones both The ey, Dwyer breaking Langdoi living 1.1.3U0 pounds. weight our Prospectors going into the Grqea-wate- t ! Innfapolls rested by Deputy Sheriff Oliver, but itself and Its equipment and crew is hope to make progress with Geoi Sberer, Dakota, ge our motors an bv .mans of milling district In Nevada should being Intoxicated did not realize the 7 boO pounds, leaving approximately ship also of Mlmrenp are favorable enormity of the crime When he ftngj winds a supply of water sufficient to and Jules Hendricks, tbe when screws carry The gasoline for cargo. . .'8.000 pounds about of A force oils. sixty men wilt 1 and also when ly become sober and realized his mis last them during their trip in and out this expedition of Mr. Wellman and carried weighs 6,100. which is equal to- In direction, a v once. at to too be 1. c. work of take, put not mogreat eollupsed. Dwyer but unfavora Of i hat dish let Waivr U.,ery c$re, , k 1 his chosen companions. power enduraucp.of 150 hour,' fit cdfl to .when e going What are The actual smelting of ore At tba and the food supply Is also ehorL It is this thing of going about It In torlng with the 70 horsepower motor , Incite blow and also too CONSTITUTION FOR TRANSVAAt. adversely of from they ImmenMi GarAmerican company's t new wav that lifts the Wellman In full operation. At the rate It is practically certain that the promeans that strongly topermlt us to advance wun 6th Utah'! work 8. began field, x'pedition to a plane high above all 12 to 15 miles an hour this Gold-fielof Liberal from Conq uenjd jected line of Senator Clark Treatment ' to ttnvel 1,800 tbe motors? month prevtious efforts in point of Interest the airship will be able Qlpyutjjlevu aftetj$round Boers by British. "This brings us to one of the fund Vhouh KeteilW aid iyiun q,Ely, just that places it in a class by itself. The miles in calm air, or far enough to wail irtt broken Tha - mental feAfirea of the method wmen Isurqess-fu- l (brHheWflrka n to N'evaialf of carted base suplorward the of a London In from, Mr. Wellman great fixed the airship speech devices upon by carry wit the loading' ol this.-lat- est waFmads' Is Htart It have we then adopted and back in new la ue will open up" camp were selected because they were the plies to the pels and, carefully designed to propir twinty-foti- r McDougalf roaster and ''l. WTth favorable afldltiofl toKawich and ftevellle. offerings science has made back to th. pot asln Winston tiate his SpMIcer veopopnents, small of winds relatively vorabl the up of three beTerbei' limbering which were available for the purposes Xvhat the Lar W;f, Larry. loelties motor at a proper speed of Churchill, parliamentary secretary for 1. Twelve cowpauloe opera uqg lij tbe lorle and fonr cimvertet' dtttodC. . of the expedition. er the colonial office, In the house of ten to 17 geogratphicalmllea amps of Utah paid dividends during Suspended from the bag Is the car, from The two expeditions made by Mr. from" Cananea, Mex12 miles per hour aa pe Commons, explained the governtnent1 with motors. hour, the contains mouth amounting ty the princely; Boston advices which ihe other or basket, Wellman, one in 18H and the to confer a constitution on th eff4ct'tbaf are ico, plan to the arrangement! mean the speed. for the explor- haps aum of 11,866.600, without counting the like those of all other ex- gasoline supply, cabins In 1897-9- 8 Transvaal for Thomas F. Cole and associate tfl "2. With unfavorable winds of high scientific motor sledee apparatus on ers that the made Stales the United were theory plorers. Dwelling on the urgency of the amount involved In. tie American tblintng com, Question, he described the Transvaal preferred stock flistrlbu- - purchase company for $2,250,600 gold, pany's Si tbe nerve center of South AMca properties -- ' i I e t and said the new country reproduced ' The 33aAdjA 4 .Duluth properties and Salmon City, Idaho, Is very actfve at tor la miniature nil the dark and tangled iBMqfM . I64r grr h rough Colo $50b,OOQ CJUTK9T DIAMCT-32 problems of the old established Euro the tireeent time. New prospects are nel WUUatnC Greene,' who to havtj-The government's guidpean states. being opened up In all dlreettonm-anIn. the new com-jianInterest ing principle had been to treat the finds are reported. Such Boer and Briton alike and to make no many good to he formed. , . the Queen1' Of old famous of boon properties distinction In granting the ' W Lakere .have Salt of number A men with British citizenship beth to th the Hills are being Lake Fish In Red the come Interested Who fought loyally for Great Britain telling results. and to those who resisted the British district la ldabot S.c6mpaay; having The Sacramenfa Mining company been anna courage. While organized railed the Red Fish had been careful to last week Bhippeg east 400 flasks of the government Lake company which own four Mining meure for the British every advantage In selling this product by quicksilver. th Altnras or Red Fish' near claim they ctrald Justly claim. South Africa's the Bacrr oth race learn-h- g the car lota from the mine,' Is situated about forty-fiv- e This lake.' (Mure depended on to look to the mother country as a memo company receives about' $42 a miles above Ketcbum. Tunnels have friend. . The government had decided flask, giving to the pfesent shipment A been driven la 'tbe four claims and a the principle bf manhood suffrage value of $16,800. three of them. vein tapped ,, quaTtftcat,lon,. gainstBamuei Lake Salt tnterestrsre ''"Numerous Newbouse, of th PjeKjdpht ffhereforw. every dnlt hid who had been a resident six watching c lovely the matter of opeif?ix Newbous fine auf Smelt cr; "Issue ft d wcrwr months tn Bonth Africa, except memth Walker Indian reservation at some a report to H t nsiicj ber of the British garrison, 'would be time during the year. AlLthat now ended June SO! fiscal the year during bah secret the vote under entitled to to be done is for the President to 1906. 1 a It he T that from March; lot system. issue his proclamation, and the open- UfOS.'to iqe Jrt,T06, ;44, Slatons o IDAHO REPUBLICAN TICKET. or Ter greeted, which .produced ing a expected In October, mmrnmmmrn i ot activ25,972 ton of concentrate, containing There great awakenipg for 8enator and Borah Nominated 2,272.68 ounces gojd, 63,862 ounces stL Nevada, In Pine White county, ity Governor Gooding Renominated. ver and 6.670,993, pounds of copper, I along the line of the new railroad, and says th Boston New Bureau. of At the session Idaho. Pocatello, bills are becoming fairly plastered the sitTh Iron Age y "The western the state Republican convention here , . . DIAGRAM OF THE WELLMAN AIR SHIP. with proapectois end owners of Iron is indicated ticket in fit uation tbe on of following a Wedbesdhy, In and section the ie it car, showing arranged to beShowing the equipment of the expedition, and how properties, preparing of shipments' of field: In the was placed f by the resumption material of the ship. f work after years of Idleness. W. E. Borah, gin steel Senator corporation U. S. Jron For velocities stop the motors and Ada This last Item Wall street! whi6h rrom the earliest trom th the pole coiftd be reached Ur sledges and food supply county. valley to Chloago. Conerv-ir- q exIn contained U 800 of these and first The weighs pounds drawn by dogs. For Governor Frank R. Gooding, day frowned 'most grandly ;upou 'all ev however! and. it-- 1 v Lincoln county; renominated. stocks ected.prevail, peditions was made from Spitzbergen a chest containing 16 cubic feet. WhenNevada in mining cheap dealing purchor the caleulat a that corporation retardateur derlre For Lieutenant Governor E. A. ind the second from Franz Joseph it Is stated that this supply Is sufflto as extent an to such eventually era of Beeremer Iron for the last quarLand. . The same obstacles encoun- cient ,to nourish flve men for 75 days ed to offer the maximum of reslstanet Burrlll, Bear Lake county. of State Robert drive this business over to Jersey City, ter will b mad at. wbont 60 cent For Secretary tered by other explorers wef met by some Idea of the great 'economy of In proportion to Its weight and Iff Is flirting most assiduously with Fur- above the $17.25 valley basl of the last Mr. Wellman, and the trials were fu- space being practiced may bg' gained. this means to drift slowly with tbs ad Lansdon, Washington county. J. Gu John General verse For contract." wind. the Attorney of furnished Of the nace Creek properties at LhJa time. course, the disposition weight tile, except in that they Bannock county; renominated. knowl- tn the car is such as to Insure perfect Assuming that this method works been. Reports from Fark City, Utah, leave explorer with a comprehensive News has reached Boise Trom Big For Treasurer C. A. Hastings, Nez normhl as The both conditions. out atmospheric In well of th friend under balance as conditions in of theory practice edge G. Green little doubt la th mind Perce county. creek to tbe effect that and by land and water. It was this gasoline reservoirs are for In number, and there are many reasons for belist-In- g Daly-WeS. Robert the Bragaw, of For Auditor compsayhat th Imhas' mad a very, rich strike on the that it will do so to at least a fair Kootenai county; renominated. fund of Information that suggested two at each extreme end, of tbe car. of the development! on th portance one of the propIs placed, besides degree we have then this principle: the methods to be employed in the In the engine-rooFor Inspector of Mines Robert D. Black Horse group, t level cannoj npralM.fromythe In The owns the motors, the wireless telegraph aperties he thatj district "1. That the winds that blow with Bell of Custer county. . forthcoming effort. 1 The management For Superintendent of Public work has come Into thro feet of or be exaggerated From an easily reached base of op- paratus. The car iss52 feet long by our course, directly or obliquely, add value of th Miss 8. Bell 'Chamberlain raising to explore erations In northern Spitzbergen, lat- six feet by eight feet In Its other di- their, movements to tbe advance which that la of phenomenally high grade. Bell fissure, pad the report bav Little itude 80 degrees 50 minutes, the dis- mensions. Its construction represents we expect to make with our motors of Cassia county. Th new wage scale at Eureka haa him ever reasoq It that the Daly-Wetance to the mathematical pole Is but the maximum of strength and the min- and help us so much on our way. IN SIGHT. MUCH NOT into effect. Henceforth single to congratulate Itself upon th outcome and gone steel imum of weight, being entirely of S50 miles, making the flight there 2. But contrary winds of velocities Jack minin' will recelvl $3 a day, ma- of thl piece of development work. return 1,100 geographical miles. Cal- tubing. greater than our motor speed, or W Estate of Defaulting Banker Ylalda 1 at 1,200 mile, The power from the motors trans- great that motoring chine mea will reoeive 2, machine culating the distance F. August Helnae o! Butte, has pur, But 8mall Returns. against item $3, and muckers $2.60. it Is chased n there would be required but 100 hours mitted to a shaft at either end of would be aa uneconomical use of fuel, helpers heavy Interest In the Senator Milwaukee. The Anal account of stated that between 1,200 and 1,30b Df airship motoring at the rate of 12 which is a screw propeller with broad foil are not losses at to be deducted Stewart' mine below Kellogg, la the repeatmiles an hour. Santos-Dumoblades, which offer the greatest effi- value from the progress of the air- the trustee of the bankrupt estate of men are employed in the district. The a redAlene district, nd, Conor edly had made 19 to 2 miles an hour ciency. The forward screw is 18 ship, becense the Influence of such Frank G. Bigelow, tbe defaulting bank men simply requested. tbe advance In tolhn flocking with arq prospectors mit, small with airships equipped feet in diameter and the rear screw winds Is largely neutralized by tha ac- president, who Is now serving a senwages, and It was granted. small motors. The district staking out every available four feet less In diameter. There Is tion of the dragging anchor or tence in Fort Leavenworth prison, an 25 Mr. miles hour, made miners had ordered th is one strike which above The by car the ship but rudder, place of ground. It Is said that The trustee wa filed Wednesday. not- Heiaxe bat not aecured a control of and Its average speed through a long and below the rear end of the bag. averted been has Goldfield of union on In other words, all of the valna of says that there Is sufficient money the stocks at present, although he haa series of flights had been above 20 This rudder Is operated from the engifavorable winds Is placed on th credit band to pay a final dividend of 1.22 per withstanding tbe unanimous vote that options, which, if he takes up will later Briles an hour. Under all conditions In ne-room with a simple steering apside of our ledger or log, whlla only cent, making a total dividend of lt,42 was taken on the proposition following give him about 900,H0 Bhares of the towhich airship flights have been made paratus. a part of the value of the unfavorable per cent on approved claim aggre- the promulgation of a uniform acWe of tal of 1,000,000 and It la practically an fo flour 15 miles a speed of from T2 Below the car there Is suspended a winds has" to be written down Ot the gating' 13,242,255. wages by the Mine Owners associa assured the options will be taken up. baa been easily obtainable. steel lifeboat, nonstnkabla and noncap-sizabldebit aide, . faithful little dog to Both employes and employers - With only Uon. Up Polajanea. but of very light weight. This And the significance of this, la tEe 'tFe" satisfied' with' Ship. agreebe Description to keep her com'pany'r'ATksosss. known Manila. General Lee, commander of geem boat represents the precaution against last analysis, is that it will require a . reached. ment as th "angel of the Coeur dAlene of destruction of the chance of on the Island tbe most A general description of tbe airship the extraordinary combi natioa ol the American forces ship or Its sinking Into open water. circumstances to prevent us getting Lerlte, has telegraphed to General ts as fellows: Th UUhna company, the organiza- mining district was found dead In he In length It Is 164 feet Its greatest Into It are packed when not In use the more help than hindrance from th Wood that be ha "BOO regular troops, tion of Salt Lakers w ho - arv- - doing little cabin at" Wallace. There was diameter Is 52 feet The materials of cables for the guide rope and the winds.' besides a toumber of scouts and con- some telling work npou their Du gw ay many a rough miner who shed tears which the bag Is made are pure rubber retarder, two of the most Important enas tha news was spread through the Ameri The is stabulary, ready to begin a movement distinctly expedition properties, is in receipt of very, Pula-Janeand silk, with the top of the bag attachments of the airship. aid that to "round up the rebellious town for, despite her character, tha for mechanical this all the can, news posse regarding In the construction of both bag and charge couraging The president g perfectly smooth surface, which will municipal woman waa known throughout the thf In have countries given foreign caused eion. The company is driving a long not accumulate frost, snow or sleet, car tbe utmost rare has been exercised at an early day for her good Interest that the recent outbreak wa Tor the and (Dep preparations,' f into De of tapping Governor action Veyta tunnel Tor and thereby decrease the ascensional and only the highest possible quality works; Of late yea r -- she drank , to are in the project. It la ar hyllie they taking rea- excess, and bad been in Jail more than! In disarming the municipal police of the heart of a huge blowout at power. By a simple device provision of materials used. A rtgld system of American Journalist, backet by at many towns, thus leaving the homes sonable 'vertical depth, the surface a hundred times. has been made for the removal of snow material inspection was maintained to American credll newspaper, to Of the people practically unguarded. reduce to the minimum the chances of la due for tbe from the top of the strip. bold and Intelligent conflawed materials Inadvertently being ception. It Is typically American that Western The large boarding house at Bay The propelling power of the airship One of the most remarkable strikes Passenger Association Favors lies in three motors, of the inner com used. has been made horse mine, near Challis, Idaho, owned all of science and the arts that other for years many reported Irrigation Congress. Such, In brief, is the airship In nations had to offer has been bustion type and using gasoline for on Indian creek, seventeen miles south by the Ramshorn Mining company, la re-A telegram was Ida, Boise, tba fuel. Tbe combined horsepower of which will be made the most remarktor of Roosevelt. Idaho, near the old Cas- some manner unknown, caught flm under the American flag the motors Is 100, although the con- able Journey in history. It represents aerial Journey Into the unknsvra eel red Wednesday by Chairman M. well trail. Jt Is an enormous ledge of and burned to the ground. The bullfc tract called for only 75. The largest the highest degree of skill known to north. The giant airship has b B. Gwynn of the executive committee copper ore, 200 or 300 feet lu width, loss. It Is not known a motor Is 70 horsepower, and In calm the machinical work. No principle in christened the America.'1 and. If the of the National Irrigation congress 'carrying good. rvalues In both gold and tng ie a total this tone whether It will be rebuilt. 12 liver. H of to a from of the from construction the that or speed itself of next few weeks shall demonstrate air provides ship Minneapolis, where the Western of The mining men and miner mUes an hour. With all motors work- Its propelling appliances baa been folOne of the drawback to miming In of Mr. Wellman were w!l Passenger association ts In session, theplana 19 la their Miner Basin, In Utah, are aglow wlthi milea lowed which has not been proved to founded Idaho that of districts ail stating had shall of the organization ing, the ship will be driven many and the explorer rate of one fare pins 50 centsgranted to the location. Many of them are over fifty enthusiasm and eintlon over the result be sound and thoroughly practicable. an hour in calms. to the pole, tbe first act triumphantly twenty-tolot of ore just samof In tne.congres meeting Boise Sep8 Tbe monster bag and Its attachments miles from a railroad, and while the of theat Tbe surface of the bag measures will be the dropping of the Amen(' Basin mill, not only the stamp 3 8. tember to qualpled This Is of rate Is expected ore extracted good .milling square feet and tbe volume It 22L-22- 5 do not stand for a theory any more Stars and Stripes over the spot wlcb to assure even a has In for Its aoccessful returns In gold value of cost crowd of deltransportation larger the en does automobile ity, the that aklms has lured nearly a thousand brar cubic feet The hydrogefrvlth than but for the successful operation at thJ ' egates and visitors than has bee the past been an obstacle to active mill. Th automobile tq their deaths. : which tha bag Is Inflated la mad of tbe boulevards. . looked for. v development, TO Tim kills AH ISHOCENT MINES AND MINING MU EM pos-iht- r Dr -- 8s-- WA-llat- v: -- ! .l per-,de- ' 1 ' on't , mo-ratio- -- wore-jHiad- K 1 u d oue-thir- 1 d j with-despera- te 1 1 1 any-propect- y jnal41yrs long-neglect- steel-makin- g Bet-ietjje- r! by-tb- t" q ' r WO-foo- th. e, of s. 2Jb-trt- wi-o- d 1 n 21,-09- i |