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Show Baw the Slrlo Strike. Alicante, Hpaln Tint captain of Ilia I'runch ateamer Mnrle Umlae, which baa arrived hero from Carlnicna, re-Into re-Into havluR wllneaai'd thu rniiiulvrlnt of the Hlrlo from u point cloae to that veaael lie any lie wa remarking to hi male upon the dnngvrmi courie thu Hlrlo v.n tnklng when the Itullnti atiwinipr. going nheud nt full tpeed, auddenly atopped mill her bow w atien to lift 1 lie Mnrle Umlao chaitge.1 her eourae and went toward the Slrlo At thla moment there wa heard a loud viploalon a the bolter nf lha Slrlo buret |