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Show NO EXTRA SESSION. Oovernor Cutler Refuses to Convene Legislature on 8chool Matter. Salt !,ikn Clly Oovernor John C t I Cutler has mado the announcement that no special session of the leglsls turn will bo called to consider tho question nf consolidating the University Univer-sity of ITInh fin, I lh,. flint. a..i..i -.., ... ....... ...... ,1T oimiu ARTlcm ', tural college Tho decision of the ' governor put the whole matter tip to tho regular session of the legislature noxt winter when It will undoubtedly be tho principal bono of contention I throughout tho entire session It mean that, oven should tile legislature decide de-cide to submit the question of ronsol- Idntlon In tho people It ennnot lie rot-ed rot-ed upon until two )eor from noxt No-yember No-yember and for three yearn longer I at least Iho agricultural college will I have n separate existence, oven should I conwillilnilon como In the long run , |