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Show (REVOLT OE THE I I ARMY AND NAVY Gigantic Conspiracy to Seize Russia's Three Great Sea Fortresses Uncovered Soldiers at Sveakorg Revolt on Ac count of Mlatreatmsnt of a Comrade, Com-rade, Only Four Companies ef th Infantry Remaining Loyal-Bloody Loyal-Bloody Conflict Follows. Helslngfora A gigantic military coneplrscy aiming al Ihe simuttaneou capture of Russia's three grcnt ca fortresses, Cronstradt Hthastopol nnd Hveaborg, arranged by tho revolutionary revolution-ary military league was prematurely Mining here Teda) night by an at. tempt to arrest members ot a company com-pany of sappers who had mutinied on account of the death of one ot their comrades, alleged to bnvo been dus to ill treatment. The entire garrison of tha fortress nt Sveabarg flnniod oul Instantly In revolt. All the artillery men nnd sappers sap-pers garrisoning the place were Involved In-volved Only four companies of Infantrymen In-fantrymen remained loyal. The mutineers mu-tineers selii, I forty machine guns and prsctlcall) all the quick tlrcrs nnd light nrllllery In the fortress, but even with this nld II ty were utiablo Is hold tbo main fort against Ihe loyal Infantry Infan-try Tbo fighting continued all night long Wednesday morning n dctnrhmsnt of civilian reioliitionarle cntcrod tho marine barracks on Hkntudcn Island, holited tho red flag nnd wer Joined ' by all the marines Nino crulsora, tor. ped boats and destroyers I) Ing In the harbor opnned fire on the barrack Thl ilro wa answircxl from tho third story vtlndow of iho barrack with mncbtne gun itinl rllb s Tho torpedo boil and destroy, rs which wero lying closer to the shine wore subjected to BUCh a hot flrn from IIia lM.n,b. ,1... ' their crew wero driven below deck. They nnall) strained out and Joined In the bombnrdment with tho cruisers. Thl sen attack wa In co-operation .' with attack b) ce, and Infantry, I from the land aid. . which began nt 0 o clock In tho mrmlng nnd continued I throughout tbe whole day Finally, to- I ward llio evening lite nrlng ceased and I tbo authorities announced Ibat the bar Ci rack hail been raptured It" Vnrlou rumor urn hi aril regarding III the fate of the oniccr who were at Vi fiveahoiis and In thn Hkatunda bar- ll rack According to ono rumor aL I moit nil Ihe r nit -r and according to another almost all the Junior onicera, Uded Willi the mutineer The ma-rlne ma-rlne nt Hkntnnden nre said to havo onvjned nn ileeilw. court martini which condemned cvornl omcrra to Instant execution Tho "red guvrtl ' who were cognisant cognis-ant of the plot dispatched nn oxpodl- i Hon by a apeelal train ns soon ns thn ' rovolt broke out to cut tho rsllroad track outside or the clly In order to prevent tho nrrlinl nf reinforcements A general strike wa doclarcd Wed-nesdny Wed-nesdny afternoon nml wa obeyed by Uio workmen of nil the factories. |