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Show HB . OtilMOwrfrt'iiiui PPP When A rhlM ahnw Tiuilnm ol HHH croup there It no lime lo riperlrueht HHH with new letneiHe. no matter how PP titjrhl lhajr nwr brcoinnirnM. There BHH ia on prearatlin iliat run nlnar beite- PH lndd open. It lit wit in it"' lor PPP lunar er ami li neter Iwn known H t.iljll, rle Oliamlirrlaln'i CoukIi Hem- PPJ mIjt. Mr. M V. UiHuton ol Market, Teiai, Mr r( li. "1 bara l Chamber PB Ulu'i CohiIi Iteuieiljr In rrrcir earn nl PPP croup villi my rhllilrrn, anil ran trull PPJ fully ay it lar irhe ixomplirllrf." PPJ Ur tale by John lleytlrri A Port. PH A oll) Mltlnkc PP UIiiiiiIvii are aouirlliuei rry expen- PH tlvr. Urratlonally III litell it the prleo HH lil it mlttakr, lull you'll nrvtr ho wronil J II you take Dr. KIiik' Nvw l.llv I'll' PBl ' for ll)(lft, liMnm, llcmlaclie, (Liver or Ikivel double They art-Kntl art-Kntl rt thorough, Mr, at John lVayilH A Son Hint fctorr. SHE r.niiiriit Mxllrlne. ftff r'or pialnt, hrultet, burn. rcalUtaml H almllar Injurln, thr i nutblny mrhJ jfltt Cliauilerlaln't 1'iiln Iktliu. It othe H the woiiml ami nut only v'Uea Inttant BB. I file I from pain, bnt cauae the pant to pj IhmI In about one tbirO the time riur- H hy tti utual tleiiniit. twM hy PB John Boyilell A Son. PJj Ailvattlic your gootU in TIIU TIM US. The Kef thai I nlntki the limit lo l.im l.lillig The men ol eighty-live ami ninety ypart ol ate ate not the rolund well led, hut thin, tpare men who live on n trend-er trend-er diet, lie atcarelul at he will, lion-ever, lion-ever, a man ait intddte aje, will occaf Innally eat too much or nl mine article i f food nit tulled to hit comtlliitkm and will need a dote ol Chamberlain' Stomach and I.lver Tahlett to clranae and Invlnoratnhit tloinach and iPiinlatp hi liver and bowel. tMieii thl It ilouv there la no reatun why the average ahould not live to old ate. For ealo hy John Iloydui A Pon, CuUBhlliK Sprit Cuil llM.ll.. "Ilntiy Ihickwvll, ageilMyenr. chok-le chok-le to doAth extiy yptterday tnornlng at I hit home, iu tlx proaemo nl lilt wile landrhild. lloroiitriu'tKil it tlight cold a leu day ago A ml ild hut little atteu-tiou atteu-tiou to it, Veterda innrulng lie wnt aelaed with a lit nl I'uughlng whlrh tun-llliued tun-llliued lor Mine time, HI wile ent lor aiihflelan ImtlMlore he muld nrrlve, nuolher lougliilig t cam on and Iui'kell, dlwl (miii tutfiwatlon. dt. I.uniadlohe.llemoerat' IVo. i, Ua.HI." Ilallard't Horehoiind .-mum would have ediiiin. , 60, ami 1 1. CO. Sld h) John llotdeu A foil. .Not III-. t'nlleJ eialfa Uml OAr. alt Uke Cllr. Uwrt. Ueh,lr Itlh mot To nbum It aaay eoncwiH V'liie la hereby alt.M thai IW wi l'ih liainirllnitiiaenie a 111 No Jlcof laiil. c .1. 1 1 the MM atate lor the Mhtlillalilu. ..I.I Ivrmalirtil wlr reavrvolra for Irrigating .ur lm. nihUr milou li ol Ike Act ! t "in u MmtxtJuly tCliaM Theletlowluamuiarin hnuv.1 In aa. Mat are In a touhl. oiiliuliillK uiliulalekilMaotrveuril. via I ? I M ( .uy of mIiI Hat, ' tar a. li n lain t. a I lrmu liy deaerlHlve auNllvlalnna. ha wu .. i l i. itiu.ly Hitet In Ihlai.rtiie lor tuM lion ' am rou lliterlett. anil liy the publt. t u , "ally w llhlu the neat aialv Uayi fulluwlun Itir ilai, ' nl thta nolle. uu4.r ileMHineiilal In.lrui'll i,. ol N'ottKlWr .'T, IW., (4 U II. Vth prolralaur I t ..til, ia aaaln! tbv i lalm nf the aut, to an. nl ih. irail. r.iil.hn.UiU. I rlnllor, 1. .. n'-l I ol Ihearutlliit thai Hi .aliie la morv .,iit 1. I r mtneralthan for aRrl.ulniral itir Mill ) rcevlte.1 amt tioieil lor reuirt lo Ilia ilwu. tal Un.lliaiceal ahlutou. 1' I r"allurr lo i n.leal or ri leal wllhln the line apt. IH.hI will U eonalilt rv.1 airlh lnl rvlileuee ollhvtion-mlueral ollhvtion-mlueral ehaeatur ol lb aalit travu, iuil lite wlvetlon ihereotWlug otherwlae free tmm oh-j. oh-j. t'Uuu ill be neornuieeiled fur aiibroaai iPa.ua li 1 1 OHM. Hrnl.ler i.kukoi I. auiiH. Hecelver loja I. i . Heart t'bll"lnc I Undlgettei) fool and gat Intheitomai h IwiiIimI jutt lielow thi heart, preae ingalnet it and raute heatt palpitation. When your heart trouble jou in that way lake Heroine lor a lew day. You will toon I all right oeV. boU by John Iloydcn.k Sou. 1 ' Good Coal j AT THE Dexter :: Mine Well Screened Lump and Stove Mixed. At the Mine, - ' S 2. on per ton Delivered in Coalville U.oO " DEXTER BROTHERS. , riuiu ivni lit iiititr. I Thote whonill pertlttiu cloeingtbeii eart iigHlnal the continual rrcoiniueda-tlonolHr. rrcoiniueda-tlonolHr. King' New Dlaeotcry for Coniiimptioii, will hati a long ami hit- ! Iit light with their trouble, II not end- j e I earlier by fatal termination!' Head what 1'. It. Ileall ol llvall, Mim bat lo tay "liat fall my wilehal entry tyinp-lom tyinp-lom nl louiuiiipllon. -he took Dr. Klng't New IHiiiery lifter everything cite had IiiIIihI. luiprnteinvnt oame at ouie and four bottle entirely cured her. (luaranteexl by Jehn lloyden A Soil Ilruggitt. I'riioWc, and (100. Trial laitlle free BEST SERVICE, EQUIPMENT TRACK. AtSI The Union Paoiflc Ft HI AM. Eastern Points. THREE TRUNS DAILY THROUGH CARS lo Cblctgo, Kidui Cllj, St. PtDl, Ulnne-ipoll) Ulnne-ipoll) ; I DIiki CoodkiIoiis tor tot Eist i and SvotbMsi. ; Hetnlletl liirnrnwtloii oliet-rtiilly fur-nltllHi fur-nltllHi ou npnllciitloil. O.I.WIIKAI)O.N,Awiit, Ciulvllle, Utnh talTaTITHIIliliMIII 'ffllMiiih Notice lor I'lilillcitllnii, ' Iiejiarttneiit of the Interior, ) I Land riiKceat Kilt I-aaoCltv, Utah,!- NutPtnlier 12. IMH 1 N. lire la Ur . mv.n ihal Hi. filhiwltif-Oa filhiwltif-Oa M Iwlll. I I .. I I li.illir.,! lll.lllleBIK.il I" . maae nual t.i I In t,i,i,rl ol bia rlaln,an. IhalaeM t.r.a.f al.l l roaUe llim- lli elerk of rhe fii.trtiti urt in an I lor iiinmit rnnnty, I llal at aim e I lab on Tue-la; Ihrrinlar r. 1 iM rla J..tiii Hi rah. II f No IM, for the .Vi.olNWi, alolS1, if NIC'.. Ken. U. Tu I;k. 7r.r). I. M.r nin Me iMmra the folUmln wllneatea In pm.e bla euntlnunua realilenee upon ainliilltlvatlou of Nild laad, via jaMM Evana ah4 llevr. IWe of oatler, xumnili ronnty, Utah. Jamf. K lUiMnauu au.l K.lwarl Wllile of (oalrllW SilBIBll riHllilr. rih 1 havk li. Ilnana, Hegl-tr. U. A. Uallle. aUorhev. 11-1 IS- NOTICn. l'nli,.lalealagilOJlce.) all Uk Hy. Tub, neuibet lo, Imi To w bora It may ooarem Notice la hereby (itrli Ibal Ihe att ol t'lab b flle.1 in thla urate a ll-i No ! of la nil. (eet4 by the !,) autr tor the uw f an A trim I tnral Culleire nailer Mellon 11 of ibe el of i on irreaa apMnveil July 1 IWI thr l.illowlnt Iran, eralirea In aahl Met are lp a tnwnahlp contain ln tulnaial cUlra. ol rrrot.1. via NEl, , T 3 N , H K . I. Mr A copy at tl. ll.t. M lr a. II relate. In at.) traeta by deaerlptlTe aolallrlalona, ha len run apleiiottaly iwteit In thla nlflre for lli.erton by any peraim llllereateil, atol by the plll.llr aen erally. Ulthln the bait ality ilaya fnllowln the ilata of Uila reitlee. tiaiter departmental In.tnirllona ol Ninemher r. lata, lA L H Ul. I roleat t eonleria alnat the claim ol the aiale to any of the Inw't.uraiitMllvlalona hereinbefore ler rthed, on the imitlbil that Ihe aatne la more valuable tor mineral than for agricultural ptirN" will be rervtTH aud nule.1 lor report tolheiieoeral tjtnitome at Vm.hlniiou li t' Failure mi to t roleat or roll!,.! mthtll the time . IfleiJ Hill I ruii.litrrtl .iilrlrlriil ethlruce ol ihe non-mineral non-mineral rharailrr if thi niI'I tnu i. ami the aviectlon thereol helnr irfherwlM frrvfroraob Intloti, mil I r.iommrnile.1 tor approval m.NK li lluea.. Keel.ter UIuBUI ,. rvltH. Hxelver 1JI IMC Miiit'i:, 1'NITkH fcHlEa I.tNll Orilt'E I Stu I.ki Cirr, Unit, f Not em tier 14, IWI. I T Wham II moy fToncyrrt; Notice la berebv tiven thai the Ml of l'tab baafllnlln Ihlaornre a liat So. JH ol lab.l. er-lecteit er-lecteit by the Mlit mate for the eatahll.hruent of tarnnanenl watt r reaervolra for trrlaatlou pur-lweea pur-lweea under ertlou U ol the .u I of i onre approved July le, l-l The lollowln Iratia einbraee.1 In aalit ll.t am lu a town.hlp euuulu lug mineral claim, of record, via Nf.tr.yi and lot 4 See, la, T. I N . H. 5 E L. Mel. Aoopyolialdll.t. ao far aa It relate to aabl traeta by i1eerl4leauMlvUloha, haabreo r. 4caou.ly ioteit In thlaotrie for lu.tctlon by aur irM.ulutereled, ami by lb pubUo i.n erally Itliln the nelt ality daya followlnc the dale of thta notice, nndrr ifvi-arimeutal lininh-tlona ol Notreinber , lata, (if L. D. I VI. n.te.1. or C4ititet again.! the claim of lb elate lo any of the trarta or tuhdlTl.toua herrlntarlore dea. crlUol, on tb rroui.d that tbe aame la imirv valuable (or mineral Ihali for agricultural pnr j.,., will to rerehed and noted for report to ilieOeneral Land Office at Ua.hlualoii li I railnre ao tn i.roir.t nr ronteal wlthfu tbe time al-nlOrd will be couablered aurflilrlit etldeure nl II.h . .a. nnlnaral , l,rrtr ol .alii trrt.. an, I the aeleenon lhareoi tadnir otherwlae Iree Iroia objection will ta re4ammeudel (or apt roval Fiunk 1). Hour, Itcgitier. liEuitoiA. Snttll, Itecelver. II 18-1 It Cured l'aral.l. W. S. Dally. V. O. True Texat writce : "My wile had been lUllVring Ihe yeara wllti paralvait in her arm. when 1 una pertnaded to uae Hall ird a 'now l.lni-men, l.lni-men, whhh enredher all right 1 h.ne nlMi uaed II lor ntil aire Irn.tlillea nnd akluertiitlon. Itdiiea the work." 2V, DUc, II.W, Sold hy John ll'ndcn A !-on E. H. RHEAD, County Surveyor otSummlt County. Ia fiunill.tr will. MH'thm nnd tnuiiahlp cuniiTa In r-iiiiimlt iiuiiit). iVofor Public and Convojancar. CUALVIU.I. I'TAIl Dr. W VISICK, Bfnu Hours: ITJIT1- Until Further Notice. no TO TIIK Palace Barber Shop For a Stylish Hair Cut and! Clean Slme. i ' Razors Honed, 25 cts. W. S. JOHNSTON, Prop. DR. J. E. HOSMER, riijlrliui uml siiiucoii. Special Treatment ofihatja and ear Olllcc O'Hiirn lllp., 1'AttK Citv.Vtiii O. W. FRENCH, M- D., l'hyilrlau and Surgrou, OFFICE AT llKblDBSOE Coalville, OHice hour from 2 to 4 p, m, AllnliocantliouMobtKTretheteho.iri M nearai potilble, Coalville Coop SANTA has visited our store and left a beautiful line of Ell GOODS. yJeeMiiim'Hitw, Presents suitable for Young and Old. ,liMia Call and See Them. OALdVILdLE go-op Larpstlplay dTHoliday Goods Ever carried. What is more suitable for a present than n beautiful beauti-ful Hook? I have tlicm in all kinds by the very best authots, both religious, historical and romantic. Full line of Church Works. .;r4t3t3rX3&3&2&3&sta;r4lS&itt5;i: J Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, History or Church, Lives ol Its Leaders, Scientific Aspects of Hornionism, 1 Cowley's Talks on Doctrine, Hymn Books, Vest Pocket edition ot Doctrine and Covenants. Kt9"Call aud see them M. R. Salmon. NOW HAVE A NEW CONSIGNMENT OF HATS, CAPS, ete. And will sell at the lowest price possible. Mrs. M. E. RHOADES I Milliner i PHOTOGRAPHS J Has its greatest charms for those who fathom it secrets. Hvcry JJ t stepiseasv. To take SUCCESSFUL Photographs now retmucs f neither special skill nor training. No dark room required. j The Kodak Developing Machine Does the work. Kodaks, $1.00 to $35.00. . DEVELOPING MACHINE and all PHOTO SUPPLIES at John Boyden & Son's. 53Ask for Catalogue. WEBER HOUSE. J. Ji. SALMON Prop. 1 I iei Located Opposite New Court House. I EVERYTHING FIRST-SbASS. Steam Heat Throughout. Bath Room in Connection. Reasonable Rates. I Livery Service. HI |