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Show I I One Inseci Good "Bag" Homo tblrty year ago A a Pad ard, now a prufeaeor la Brown u-varsity, u-varsity, and wnny known through h seltntlne work and writing, caught graHhopper aomewhera down k Maine, saya tba Manchester Union, t waa not much of an Intact aa grasshoppers grass-hoppers are commonly sited up b tba lay mind. There are plenty rf grasshoppers In any field or pailwi that aro nearly or quite two InctH la length, with oipanslre. brlgbl-ooUy od,wlnga, and not a fow of them mat) a notso In tho world orcry llrao ihr rlso and take flight before tho eagr eollcotor or tbe peacefully gratia cow. Hut this grataboppcr wbleh Vi. Packard found haa no showy wlnga-only wlnga-only tho mero atub of wing at Iks moat make no noise at any tlmo, atl la acarcoly more than half an Ind long. Yet, for certain scientific ree sona. It waa regarde.1 with a decpf Intcreat than all tho other momteri of tho graaabopper Irlbe It waa glvn a big name, melanoptus dawsoall, tt derly plnnxd and carefully put awif In tho roltectlon at Cambridge. No other Individual of thla rajeV eect tribe wa captured at any rata by anybody who recogniii-d It. nntll a I year or two ago, wbnn Ml Butlo C. i Kocjg, an eothualaatlc member of th entomological aecllon of the Manchester Manches-ter Inilltutu, securtil Iho aiwnd specimen speci-men of mvlanoplua dawionll known to tho scientific world From that time Prof A V. Mors of Wellealey, curator of the museum there, and a grasshopper apectallit of no tntan reputation has greatly desired de-sired to aocuro apt-clmtn of melano-plus melano-plus daweonll on bin own account Accordingly, taking odvnnlagoof aa Invitation from Ml Fogg, Prof. Mora camo to Manchester a day or two ago, dnly equipped with nit, cyanldo bol-tlo bol-tlo and collecting box, as tho law ol vntomotoglttx require In compsny with n party comprMed of member ol tho Institute, he prncenled to Hock Rlmmon, and with hla net vlgorota-ly awopt tho grass and shrubbery roundabout round-about To hla aurprlte, and that ot all prrtrnt, he, or MIm Fogg, made another "find " It waa a slnglo epoct-men, epoct-men, to be sure, but aa only two bad evor been found before, It wna rightly considered reward enough for ono day's effort |