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Show Dank Robbers Opcrata In Droad Day llnht. A daring bank robbery wns committed commit-ted In tho hoart of Peorln, III, nt T30 o'clock Saturday afternoon, when three men wearing slouched hat cn tcrod tho Poorla National bank, ami whllo two of tho men cm ered Fred crick A. HfntKnn with rrtolvcm, tho . third reached through the teller' wln dow nnd o zing nlwut 1500 In currency mado his csenpo. A largo crowd nil j aoon In purrt.lt or Iho robber, who- f Jumped Into n buggy which they had I left ttandlm; In trout of tho Link, but ' allbornldlrplayof revolvers frightened '! tho crowd back, nml tho men mado tbelr escape. |