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Show W THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME , Aro Novor Without Po-ru-na in tho Home for Catarrhal Disoasos. Remnrtdiljle Cures ?'Y&.';sij5' .) Sfira$$i3S?' Ilw t..ni.n- iC & I s - Uudir date of January 10 197 I)r Hartuiaa received the follow ng let or: "My wife Las be.ii (i sufferer from A eompltcAtlon of diseases fur the past twenty Ore jir Her cue has baf led the skill of tome of the most wwtf-d physicians One of Ikt worst I trouble ill thmnlo constipation of several years' standing. Him in also passing through Ihnt Mint critical period la tin llfn of a woman change of life "In June, MM, t wroto In you about Iter caso. Yon ndtiscd n cuurto of lvmuft and tntinlln. which wo nt eace commenced, and bate to MX It eomplelil) cured Iter. "About tlio Min tlmo t wrote jou about my own rare of catarrh, which bad lietn of luont) nvo tears' stand-sg. stand-sg. At tlnioa ! almost last going. commenced to use I'etvwi according to our Instruction and ctmtliuitd In Me for about tear, and It fiascnm. rletely cured me. iour remedies tin mil that you claim tor them, and even more. "- John O. Atklnwn. In n Idler tlnlnl January 1, 1800 Ur. Atkinson n aft r fHo year' oxperlenci w Hi Pi m a ' it III ever continue to tpeak arood word tor I'eruna. I at ttlll cured of tatarrtu" John I). Atklnton, lnde' pendence. Ho., llox272. I V - AH i .! ft Ldl Snub rn Mlna . It. it . "lhae been troubled llh rheuma. tltmandcatarrht rtnentylle)enrtu Could not V.p day ur alght. After I having used Veruna I can ileep and nothing bothers me now. It I eer am I ateettd villi any Llnd of alcknet I'ervna will be the medicine I ahall me. My ton nai cured nt catarrh n the Ur)nx by l'cruat."-Mii. Alia Schandt. Why Old People aro Especially Liable to Systemic Catarrh. When old ago tomes on, cnUrrhn) tllsonrc cornea nlso Systemic catarrh ca-tarrh u almost universal In old people This explains why l'erunn ha l.o-come l.o-come ao ImllsptiiMtblo to old people I'eruna l their soft guard I'eruna Is the only rcmed) el devised that en tlrely meita there case Nothing hut an effective system Ii remedy can cure them A reward o JIOoChI has len deposited de-posited In the Market Ksrbnnge Hank, I'oliiinbin, Ohio, as a guarantee that 'In ahno tcailmcuilals am genuine; kji w hold m our p.i"crion million Ur I itorn ccrtlMug to the esme Our Inn innii yearn' udterilslng we hate nnrr und In nan or In whole, a (In Uo spurt m lii.timonlit Ktcry one of nni timltnonlala arc genulno and In the wurds of the ono whoso name 1 la nppeuded Ask your Druggist for a free Pcrunn Almnnnc for 1905. t TREAT andGURE f$k CATAKHII 44 til cwillt i.... vVl .K.II.t.'.w'ili,Tu.V.'w''IJ"J PV JBJ lliKr(Uc ntrrtM44 riil4lM4iti Wilr sJPK- I kl 44144. 4U llHUI 4 iblldlatl. iljjSlpj '.- special Olfirln Prirate Diseases ' w UafnRtr rtk mim wfcoM tufltrtai tntm Itltst Ihmm vthf rat4 tr Ur ik iirraulitMi t looked mb m U41 iii L,rr br ik siwii ai4 lurlaVM wiktf ft Piai u k4 nil h giforvr r r ut ir ,! at. tK!L hin uvm u sur Tuu tu rxx tukh u.nh ih.lai vhtxu cuhi-uli-.i Yin witm 111 roLMviK lunLMiiirtK kn w nirr en cvnt amp torrriK iniVATr timCAK4 is both IKAKi IMlMAtrMI T ! U I IUIVK lbJf ikt 1 q ihii iMun( ftllMaii Ur Wl MtrHMkmkat ifwrlt rHtu la tmulr4 MMf I ra.Mitrr (Mrt.iir ur bw vrarvr, mr t-r ikffevtNtkiMil w r MMnikir ! ((.uattMr Nrwir. THIN llUNatST nuk (ti-11 Aiiti vriru nu: ArrucTKM i.n n i.i.i ,, u vat-k rt rt 4taaii4ll(ali lil-UM(wiHr rM.M. in yu 1 rvr b.r it laklr rru4JM ptof iotdiHl puni iiitiaif-"trtM-i ftivriMir if " irf 11 v Ml lh . f Mt rU4 HK4KNI.H1XI OK Ml N r klmi T lit r.ut f UrH4 r tbt)4MSl I II MTATR illJaill l;i Httorva vIXM.AI TIlfcAl MK t .r iiirl nm InVaHI AU1 ) I I Utt kJO kr 4frHrt bo Miiry mr mil h d and u p t irrmiMnl t r ltl tt M W nn U4T HANIljiJIl Man nil HknM4, i atMrrvtt. UllSUlUlIIUKA BVriUI.IH, VAHt U( kt.1l m4 ktu tr1 tiui k lu lr lu ta4 ttt Uu B)Hkfr ItMUkalf lltlUtlf UIH Ik , ff MMHIV nMlUl mft ftr III OT ktu; atMivl f' ii Klltfi, riAnt1a4tluu n4 A4tr KltltK In Miiltir at Ikt i. bllCI IKJLU1 lraWHi 1. 1 !! tut nA4lai h , J . 19 ft n (O II DRS, SHORES & SHORES, Expert Snecldllsls, 249 LTt.'i;'A,V'u,A njjTL'S CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA JEMEDY I FOB TM MOUTH. THKOAT. .HfUFRFAIIQ. 'OH LI BY AIL RUOaiaTa lOUACH ANO OWSL.,,. 'IILlLII IHILO AND Q4N1HAL TOH Helden-Judsan Drug Co., General Agents. Sail Lake City, Utah. I HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, FURS, Etc. I BOUOHT AT TO M4BK1T RICCI OY Rowe, Morris, Summerhays Company WRITE POn PAHTIOULARB SALT LAKe CITT. UTAH ii.aarir4Tigttti.iAiJ'LtiMiyii!naai.mii;jutiiit CHRISTMAS GOODS B 1 To thoso who make their Christmas Q I purchases In tho city, wo offer mora I fl end bolter inducements thn.n any half I I dozen other stores combined. V Every H B department filled to overflowlnif with 1 tho thintfs which mako man, woman fl 1 and child happy. I Z C 1. I. TIIK UIG ItKLlAlll.E STORE 1 ,'..T:c.,,wu.4Thompson's Eye Water iirriAiui: wm l)oll . , I Tl del 1 40.1 HllY,r 1100 J4 I It I liuM mitar (, I M H4UPIt4lirHAILnKlVB PWIHn ATTMNriON I In rll Id Hl(lrt4 ftnd Hloh OrM Kontfbl. ttb4 111, 4 14 MMIIttrf Kn 044 4D4 I'rlM U4i. 0d4nA,4iyCorflrUAr4blHit, la,r. Coto. When Aniwerlna Advertliementi Kindly Mention Thlt Papr. TEA Wo do some things because wc want to, and others because be-cause they belong to a plan that is good on the whole. Yor er ,4t4rM 7 smm If ir, dMt Ut4khUUa'4llr4l. TEA , People think spices and extracts arc always dishonest. dishon-est. No; they are not Tr arirr ,t4ni4 4r a447 It 4 Aoal 144 teMUUfl lint. TEA Whoever you arc, wherever you arc, our tea is for you; our moneyback money too. Year rwr rvlwfc, wr r,7 If f S41! Uk4kekUllK4k44, Wanted Second Hand Grave. Among tho advertisements In a recent re-cent number of a Munich Journal was this: "Wanted' A secoud hand erare." TEA Good tea is better than most of us know. You may aswcllknowSchilling'sBcst. I PUTNAM FADELESS DYES H Colo, mors oowli brigliUr and ktUr tclou this ani ethrr in Ona toe Mttas csUui ailt, ol and catus rgualii otil and Ii nuNinlwd lo alia n,rll rxalU, Tk",4liorViilMiiJ4IM'J4nOcapackiM Vvnle fer frse iKMklV-Hc le Die Slaacri and Mil Cetera. MUMuu . Jl (I. ' o "tv,. (,. rill ., jJi ." JVi MUXICAN Mustang Liniment U 11 poHltt vo euro for l'lles. W. N. U Salt LaVcoHNo. 81, 1004. -j BThc letters of Miss iMcrklc', whose pic- ture is printed above, and Miss Clausscn, prove beyond question that thousands of cases of inflammation of the ovaries and womb are annually cured by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Dsah Mils. I'iskiiam: (InuliMl los of sttvtiRtti nnil iicrvu force UM iih) miuwtliliitcuns nulli-Hlly w iiiiik lth me. I hail novero shooting-iwliw shooting-iwliw tlinumlit (lie -l in iirxMiiri, nruiuiH mid extreinw Irritation oom-jKilltil oom-jKilltil mo lo seek iiH-illuil nihlee. 'Iliu iloetor until that I liml ovarian tnvutibi nnil iilierntluii, hihI mhlwd mi ointlnti IatnuiRly objected to this ami ili-ciihil to try l.)ill 1- I'lnliliiiiii'a VoKrtiitiln Compound. I anon fiiiinil tlint my j m lament vtna enrmet, and '.lint nil tlio good tlilitkpi stnlil iilsmt this tueilit inc torvi tnie, mid day by ilny I felt li jnlii and InrrpHseil npisitito 'llie ulceration soon healed, and the other rotnplli tl m ilbuipia in d und In eli'M ii ttcoK.i I wag otuxj more strong and ltrorntit itnd jn-rfuil) till. " My lu-nrtUmt thank am xrtit toyoil for tho ?mt good you have doim inn" - Mini it ly jours. Mis .Mamiaiikt MrttKLKY, iliSllilrd bt Jtilttivtaci?, Wl. niss Clausscn Saved from n Surgical Operation. FUdMiVifWrlsJI "DrAit Sins, I'inkiiam: Itaroina to ino thfts UKXSpiy'pS all tlio cnilonwinentM that I hn, e rvnilot tho value MHgfiTai of I .yd la I', rinkhnm's Cnniimmid do not oxpirn.i ' IHkS'SI one-Iiiilf of thnlrtno tho gnnt mi'dldno really faVlfndivA iKHseHM?. I Uninv that It wix;d my llfo and I CTTVj wnnttochntliotrcdllwlipro It IkiIouks, I auf. ff QfiuUm foR'dMltliotariantroiililoforfltojearH.liadtlirce Lm oix-ralloiinnnd sn'iithiindii'ilaiif dollars on doo- HiSojil to ll'"1 ncHclnca Irut thU dhl not cure me k' H "However, what doctoral mid inotHrinar-VvtiAiul ' swnasa A to do, iAdlu 1- I'lnldmm'a Vegetable Com- 1--i' ft pound did. Tvi nty Imttlert rcrilorcd mo to poi. i rWrW"i tV ' 'eft lifultli rind I feof wiru that hud I known oi Its iJ-,C( -I valuo hcfon und lot tlio dodom nlonc, I would ' lnno Ix-oii Kirt'd nil tho )siin and !X)kmio Umk YmltlPMi ojicmttons. cost me. If tho women hn nro gtitlentiK, and tlio doctora do not help them, "will try l,jdlv ll l'mklmm'a vepe-. tablo 0)iniinnil, they will not Is) disappointed villi Ihu rwulU." lim Ciaiu il. Ci.au.wev, Y.m iVun bl., lCansii City, Mo. A-nnn l'Orlrl!ITII4iwl frtl,wllhrr.lo4ll.4rrtl4tl.ltr, aaialcsalsrwsl Vhllllll 5slaaJoailaU,kUUmilisk.lrsl.ll.s.i,iM44j. to ct ur a torn in ii m: lur T4l4 1.4,404 He.w MalalM. T4kl44 All 4nte 1... NIS4 IS M 4147 II II fMM n rs I. y. UIWIS4 ,liB4UI,4 4 44.S lM.4 fk. Comforts of Travel. The porter on the California Limited this winter will lie prt pared to press n lentlemsn'a trousers while ks walls This Is a new wrinkle, Introduced for the beneflt of lastldlous iltessura l Isn I absolutely 1 1 n ssnry to carry along an extra pair of trousers, either, the porter wotks while oil sleep On this luiurh us tialn dally market reports are received by wire, there are the latest morning and evening newspapers Issued en mutv, fine sta tlonery, a library of western books aud current magaslnes A Whitley tier clser for Ihose who wish lo keep up their athletics, and ileitrle curling Irons for the ledlea are other travel comforts The Knntn Fo Intends to keep Its fast flyer nt the front Mother Crsv'i Sweet "twderi ler Chlld'in, buuwMtuhy used by vlolher (.my. nurse In tbeUhildreuallontelu Nv Vurk cum OtM-ltiluin Feverlahness IU I Hkmnaun, jwilhlii I) nnrders mure and rueulatetne lloolaaodl)strvvvtonua OveraUUKlte tliuouiala At all DrugflaU Wo hsuiple tllbr. Addrasa V. holnuuid Irfltov Ii V. FREEEJ TEA I Wo tnko the risk of your finding our tea as wo say, at your grocer's. Tear irwtr ,44rfta m bms, U;h S,a I H,i4iim.y, L TEA' Do you use Schilling's Best? What a pity we don't all of usl TEA Every pound package of Schilling's Best is .1 free, sample, if you don't like it Vwr at444 rvtsraa jssr 444,7 II 74 ' HlaSkllllaa'4BaH. |