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Show ASSASSINS SENT TO PRISON?" Slayers of Russian Minister of Inter f Cecape the Gallows, Hasoneff, who threw the bomb wh a) killed Minister nt the Interior t Plehvo, nnd Hlknrlfsky, his accost pllcn In the crime were found gullv by the court of appeals, aiding In IW law courts building In HI Peterstmri The former was sentenced to Iniprtt on ment for life, with bard labor, nsi the latter to twenty years' Imprlsoe ment The trial had been expected to big at least two ilaa but II waa niihei Russian Retreat for Last Stand, IjjJ&swrr $$ Yiw;Vvano r i Ai VPlUCoTiSHAU " to a speedy completion In view of tho osilblllly ot revolutionary denonitrn-tlons denonitrn-tlons Tho trial was behind closed doors nnd all entrances to tho btllillng were guarded, and only persons who could produce summonee were nd-mltted nd-mltted Kirn members of the bar wora treated aa outililern l.ro pollco reervr wero stationed wllhln tho building and 111 the courtyards court-yards of the ordnance lactory while mounted gena il amies patrutlod tbe aides of Iho building Haanntll a apologia la declared lo be n remarkable document ahowla the prisoner to be n man of superior Intellect In-tellect and learning It fills several closely written pages, was drawn up while he lay In the hospital, and set fuith the nlnu and purposes or tbe social so-cial revolullcnnry tmtly, and the fighting fight-ing nrgautaitlon, the remans and iuo- 1 IU en for tho minder of Minister Yon Plehvo, and also his version of the crime Itself |