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Show H HEWS SUMMARY. mU The Hjwmlth iwaate liu paaaed the MmTt to'wtBMri antt-aaarealet bill. H Abner Clark Seaman, oee of the MuV original maker of typewriters la thta HH mantrr, I dead t hi bomn In "rook- HI anu HU Tl drn In Ilia Behnll mine at Dart- HH erlllc, HU bu been eitlnirtilihM H alnr a hard tlahi The miner ill H Moaped MUM Arraairemefita betweii Panama anil B tbo canal tone pnetal authorities hav b bfloa made, ha apednwl In UjcreUrjr B Tail's eiecutlv order A Illo Janeiro-dlabatrh ear the sen V ate hu pawed In a Baal rcadlne; Ih bill authorising thei Rrivrrnmrnt to BBS bnlld twentT-ulght war vcatnl H riant for the nritanliatlori of a lock- B raiser' combine; to embrace (bo farma 8 and rancboa of thn terr-at central aud BHj wottcrn country, Into lwn launched H la Chicago. H Tbu chief of Ibe Minneapolis police ftVfl hu been appealed to by Chief Delano Bf of Denver to atop tho flood of work JJ men shipped to Vt nver by employment Hj amenta In that city HH Tbo oowi come from Tripoli that a BJ boat from tho Turkish corvette Man KR aura, manned by forty seames, haa J mink la tho roadstead Nineteen nt tha craw worn drowned H Voting bolwoen puffs, tho Ibftlalatlve Mm council of tho city of Merophta paaaod H an antl smoking onllnanco. Kvory anombor of tho council waa anioklng at H tho time thn voto waa taken. H Frank J. Blrubb, asalatant foreman HI Ui tha copper abop of thn Bout hern I'a H tlflo ahopa of Bacramento, Ual, waa W"ed br tho oaploslon of a cm tank poar which ho waa working. H Haahonoff, tho aaaaaaln of tha Hua SB Wan rnlnlitor of tho Interior, Von lnehc, haa recovered from Uio woundi bo recalled from the explosion K X the bomb that killed the minister HBrV In tha corporation court of Danvlllo, HH Va., Batnrday Harrr Wooding, mayor H , of Danvlllo, wai fined for contempt of H i court la that ho worn a pair of croak- log ebooi during tho trial of a caao. HB No extraordinary eoatlonnf mngrena B will ba held noj.1 spring for tariff re- B vision. That haa boca decided dolln- B I iMT- Tho quostlon of an eitraordlo- MW ' J"7 soiilnn ucit fall la la abeyance M ' Becrctary Hitchcock, In a rommunl B ' , cation, recommends an unendmont to BU tho law relative to atock trvapaaslnc B",, oo Indian rescn allow u aa to iirarld ( tor tho ailturo and sals of auch stock. Jt Aba Attctl of Ban t'ranclaco waa BB Klren tho dvclsloo over Tummy 'Vila B ' of Barannab at tho end of their flf- B teun round avt-to beforo the West Knd BB rlab In Bt. Umli. Tho conteat waa B alow, fl A. 11. Hearst waa blown op at Co- H (eyrllle, Kan., by an eiploston of a fl iatailno containing SOU quarta of nl- tro-clycorlne. Nothing can bn found BB if tho remains of two borsoa and a H waxoa. The three-year-old daughter of BV Charles IL falers, tho notM tnlntsr, HJ waa terribly burned by the btaie from HJ aa open lira In Monterey, Cal, and Bh died from her Injuries within a couple BJ ot hours. Bl llabbl Abraham Iteynol'ds of Chlcano Bb waa killed by snowballs thrown ij M hchool boys. Ono of the tnnwballa con H talned a stone, which struck tho rabbi H ' in the back ot tho head, InDlitlng fatal H ; lujurloi, H At the Onal soislon of tho National m Clvlo 8enrlco lleform lespio, held In K Washington, l'rnildent Hooaevelt waa Bl (merely ctlclsed for the exemptions In NJ the cUII serrlce through tho executlTO order made by til or during the hat three years. Japin haa accepted tbo American r.QTcrnraenta Invitation to participate fa a second tieaeo conformed at Tha Hague, providing the rullnga nt tha oonfereaae should not affect the pre pot conalct. (lovtrnoralaot Douglaa of Massachu aotta anunuacaa that (laaerat Nelson A. Mil will ba at tha head of bh ataff. It la uadarstuod that ba will ba madi adjutant-general, or poaalbl) liupoctor Kouural. ' Tbu cturl of appeala haa ravened Ihr itwUlon of tha circuit court In tbc- ''' oaa nf Caleb fowera, bow In Jail at K' , JauI vill under aentimce of death -Ai for comrl'clty In tha murder of Uov- m amor lloobN. This glvea Powers a i'i saw trial i EJ A dispatch from Toklo to lb Barllu j Hm JJkal Anselger raporta that the prls BtfcJ court at Muetw baa daotsrad tha Qar dK mm iblp Veteran, which was captured H& ' near Port Arthur, a lawful prlaa. Tha HV , oora and utaw of tha Veteran hare H& ba reloasad K'i A dlspatoh from Constantinople to Bh ; tlm Standard aays the Ituaslan and BjP- Austrian emUasaadora bava prasantetl Hi to tha port n note reoountlng recant Ijr Mseedonlan nutraga and adjuring tha l ports to maintain order with a firm and Impartial band. , Amid acauaal of UBOontrollad siolt. Hi tuaat and franaletl baste to aell actirt B Vlaa, tba New York stock exchange H' a the 8Ui wluaaaad tha moat &, Ml iloaal ddln In prtoea that It lias H i "known linen the historic Northern Pa-HHb Pa-HHb clflo panto A May 9, 1901 |