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Show IF Your Parents had not saved when young, the home or business they own, might not have been possible. SAVE NOW for such a time In your life our Savings Department Depart-ment pays 4 per cent Interest and welcomes small accounts. I I Ogden Savings Bank 2384 Washington Ave. Ogden, Utah. M. S. Browning, President. L R. Eccles, Vice-President John Watson, Vice-President Chaa H. Barton, Cashier . . 1m2 tKeitrMe;pjm,foodKorrc beverage - . "The Perils of Pauline." 5th Episode today and "The Master Mas-ter Key" tomorrow at the Lyceum. 5c ALWAYS 5c. Advertisement. Men of Fashion Smoke "Bull" Durham h After a big night at the opera, men who subscribe to boxes for the season masters of the fine art of enjoyment relish fresh, delicious deli-cious cigarettes of "Bull" Durham tobacco while waiting for their limousines. Theirs are the strong, active hands of self-achievement capable of controlling the destinies of an industry, or of "rolling i their own "Bull" Durham cigarettes with equal success. GENUINE "Bull Durham SMOKING- TOBACCO Cigarettes rolled with this pure, mild, sun -mellowed tobacco are supremely gratifying to the trained smoke-taste smoke-taste their freshness, smoothness and dis- plmjm!&0pmrr tinctive, unique fragrance, delightful beyond tl!0E comparison. That is why connoisseurs throughout the world prefer to "roll their jm -Jlljlll r own" cigarettes with "Bull1' Durham. f ISBBSj UTO 17 IT An IIIustTated Booklet, show- ihtkI Egra il (b a fdj crrect way to "Roll fflBHfflU a package of cigarette papers, will both be mail- yfCwfll Sufi? 7 1 i:WlBBP: 'I ' ed, free, to any address in U.S. on request. Ad- IMffiB , ,j j THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY Hl iHMiiwirtffffiiiiHi ! mum m minium ummMummmwoammammmkmaatdmn (JO Read the Classified Ads. ALHAMBRA CAFE LEO, Manager. 331 Twenty-fourth Street, Ogden, Utah. OPEN FOR BUSINESS DEC. 28th. First class house, regular dinner served every day. Short orders served any time; $5 a ticket, good for 21 meals. Open day and night A SUPPLY OF GOOD FEED Is essential if y0u want results with your chickens, horses or cows. There is no secret about the place to buy it, it Is at GRO'JT'S. Let us send you your next order. GROUT'S GRAIN STORE 332 24th St SHfrln I Headquarters for Diaries and Date Pads. |