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Show TURKS OCCUPY PERSIAN CITV Constantinople Claims Russian Rus-sian Garrison Retreated From Tabriz and Turks Took Possession. SECURE MILITARY BASE Germany Backing Encroachment Encroach-ment on Persia People Fleeing Many Dying of Hunger and Cold. London, .Ian. 13, 12 35 p. m Reu-t Reu-t i s Telegram company has received a dispatch form its correspondent in Petrograd ay ing that an advance detachment de-tachment of the Turkish army has occupied the Persian city of Tabriz. Tabriz is in northwestern Persia and, after Teheran, the largest city in the country. It is 100 miles to the east of the Turkish frontier. Tabriz was garrisoned by a Russian Rus-sian force. It being situated in that part of Persia under the domination of the Russians in the same manner as the southern portion of Persia is considered to be within the sphere of influence of Great Britain. The town has been evacuated by this Russian force, according to a report re-port sent (.ut bj the Turkish government govern-ment and published last night in Berlin. Ber-lin. The announcement from Constantinople Constan-tinople added that the Russian garrison garri-son had retieated to BJulfa. where the Russians were said to be assembling assem-bling in strong force to defend the passage of tho Araxes river The taking of Tabriz means that the Turks, who undoubtedly had the backing of some of the wild Turkish i riln -iii.ii ol tin- lo ality ha at ( ured a more or less important base tor the projected German-Turkish attack at-tack upon the Russian positions in the province of Frivan. imrth of the Persian border and south of Tiflis. The occupation of Tabriz, which is the capital of the province of Azerbaijan Azerb-aijan was rendered comparatively easy for the Turks by the recent withdrawal with-drawal oi Russian forces to meet the Ottoman advance further west Whether Tabriz was taken without bloodshed is not known, but. in the absence of Russiau troops, it is not likely that Persia was able to offer any serious resistance. Russia's most vulnerable point, at which Che Turks arc aiming, lies among the undefended Russo-Persian frontier points to the north of Tabriz. There never had been any necessity for preparing this portion of the Rus slan boundary against possible Persian Per-sian attack. Allies May Offer Help. The opinion Is held here that Great Britain and Russia may offer assistance assist-ance to Persia In the defense of her neutrality as a result of Turkey's advance ad-vance When the ottoman activities in Persian territory first developed Persia not only announced her neu trality but asked the good offices of Great Britain to prevent violation of her neutrality. Little could be done at the time as the territory invaded lay within the sphere of Russian influence. in-fluence. Kveu though Turkey should fall to push further northward, she will b:ne gained B basis for negotia-j tions If she is able to retain Tabriz and will also have obtained a foothold foot-hold on the territory on the eastern bank Of Lake Urumiah, which she has long coveted. Turkish encroachment on the province prov-ince of Azerbaijan began in L906 when Russia weakened in the war with Japan, Ja-pan, and it has always been asserted that Ottoman preSSUme on this portion por-tion of Persia was backed by Ger-mnny, Ger-mnny, whose economic iuterests it was contended demanded free navigation navi-gation of Lake Crumlah. a telegram from Petrograd Baws that l.ooo persons of the province of Azerbaijan are fleeing on foot towards to-wards the Caucasian frontier before the Turkish advance. . Many ol these hlgitlves, it Is said, arc dying of hunger and cold 1 |