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Show Hi ft Iru ILilalbSIo UUlUlTRLill 1 uli I ML illlOuliinu Berlin, Jan. 10, via London, Jan. 11, 2-15 a. m. According to every indication indi-cation the lull in the Russian attack on the Bessarablan front during tho last twenty-four hours Is only temporary. tempo-rary. Despite the enormous losses, which are estimated as far exceeding 50,000 dead or wounded, new forces are known to be moving with the purpose pur-pose of reinforcing the attacking columns, col-umns, and the resumption of the bitter bit-ter assaults of tho last few days is hourly expected. Many Circassian groups are reported as being sent to the front. Captured Russian officers declare that the Russian emperor visited vis-ited Trembowla, Galicia, on the eve of the offensive with the object of giving heart to his troops, and delivered an order to break the Austrian line at all costs. Tho officers were assured that there were sufficient troops to accomplish this. The main attack thus far has been directed against a hill named Fort Baltln, in honor of General Pflanzr-Baltin, Pflanzr-Baltin, which the emperor personally ordered taken. As a result, literally thousands of Russian dead lie before the Austrian trenches or hang supended on the wire entanglements. Entire regiments were wiped out, while the Austrian losses are declared to have been comparatively small. Not only was the artillery ammunition ammuni-tion of the Russians almost exclusively exclusive-ly of Japanese manufacture, but the rifles of the Russian captives also were Japanese. nn |