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Show HP'S MARKETS New York, Jan. 11. Declines ranging rang-ing from mere fractions to over a point were registered at the opening on moderate dealings. Canadian Pacific Pa-cific yielded 1 1-4 and New York Central Cen-tral 3-4 with a loss of a point for American Amer-ican Sugar. Specialties as a whole were lower with the exception of American Can, United States Steel, American Smelting and Erie were unchanged un-changed wrom yesterday's final quotations. quo-tations. Secondary prices showed some improvement but steel was again pressed for sale, declining to 85 3-1. The demand for Anglo-French bonds continued, with a sale of one block ol' 5415,000 at 95 5-S. Chicago Hog Market. Chicago, Jan. 11. Sharp curtailment curtail-ment of the marketing of hogs gave prices today a decided lift. Cattle too were relatively scarce. Shipping demand de-mand carried quotations on sheep and lambs upgrade. Sugar. New York, Jan. 11. Raw sugar, steady; centrifugal, 4.334 52c; molasses, mo-lasses, 3.563.75c; refined, easy 20 points lower; cut loaf, 6.65c; crushed, 6 55c; mould "A," 6 20c; cubes, 6.00c; xxxxpowdered, 5.90c; powdered, 5.85c fine granulate, 5.7'c; diamond "A," 5.75c; confectioners' "A," 5.65c; No. 1, 5.50c. Sugar futures opened very quiet today to-day and at noon prices were a point or two above last night's closing. Chicago Grain Chicago, Jan. 11. Wheat developed , a little strength today after a weak t start Reports that foreigners were i selling appeared to be responsible for tho temporary setback. Bullish news from Europe, however, led to rally. It war. said Italy and Spain would be large Importers, the European visible supply showed a decided falling off and a fresh advance was announced In freight rates from Argentine. The market here, after opening 3-S off to 3-Sc up with May at $1 24 1-4 to 1.25, and July at $1.17 1-4 to 1.17 1-2, underwent un-derwent a moderato general deollue, but then rose all around to above yesterday's yes-terday's finish. Corn displayed Independent strength. Predictions were current IH that a heavy export business would H be done soon. The opening, which ranged 1-8 1-4 to 3-8l-2c higher, H was followed by a slight reaction, H and later a rally. H Oats gathered firmness from corn. H Commission houses were active buy- H Smaller receipts of hogs than ex- H pected brought about an advance in H provisions. Packers and carriers, IH however, sold on the bulge. H The wheat close was strong, 1 1-2 H to 1 7-8c net higher, with May at M 1.26 1-2 and July at S1.191.19 1-8. H The corn close was strong at 7-8 H 1 to 1 l-4c net advance, H Chicago, Jan. 11. Wheat No. 2 H red, $1.25 1-21.26 1-4; No. 3 red, H 1.21 1-41.24 1-2; No. 2 hard, $1.21 H 1-81.21 5-8; No. 3 hard, 'S1.17 1-4 H Corn No. 2 vellow, nominal; No. H 4 yellow, 71 l-272 l-2c; No. 4 white, H 71 3-472 l-2c. H Oats No. 3 white, 44 3-446c; IH standard, 46 l-247c. IH Rye No. 2, 99c. H Barley, -64(3)770. IH Timothy $6.008.00. . v4 H Clover $10.0019.00. H Pork $17.90(0)18.90. H Lard 10.12 g10.32. H Ribs ?10.0010.47. JM Omaha Livestock. IJ Omaha, Neb., January 11. Hogs H Receipts 28,000; higher. Heavy, $6.65 IH 6.80; light, $6.556.75; pigs, $5.25 H ?D6 40; bulk of sales, $6.606.70. H Cattle Reclpts 7100; strong. Nn- H tive steers, $6.509.00; cows and IH heifers, $5.25 7.00; western steers, IH $C.007.25; Texas steers, $5.707.SO; H stockers and feeders, $5.257.60. 1 SDeep Receipts 9500; higher. IH Yearlings, 7.658.25; wethers, $6.50 IH 7.15; lambs, $9.5010.25. tM UTAH STOCKS I Furnished by J. A. Hogle & Co. J Sales Morning session: VM Alta Con., 500.27; 3000.26 1-2, H Alta Tiger. 500.03 1-2. H Albion, 900.31; 1700.30 -1-2 H Black Jack, 500(?iUl; 1000.10. H Colo Mill.. 1000 ra) 10. H Cardiff. 50S4.30: 1004.25. VM East Prince, 2000.02. H Leonora, 500.03 1-2. H Prince Con.. 1700.S1. H Reeds Peak, 5000.ll; 1000.ll H B Sioux Con., 3100.04. H Silver King Coalition, 1003.42 1-2. H Swansea. 1000.01. H South Ilecla, 4002.25; 600(g2.22 H Wilbert, 5900 (oU0. H Open board: M Alta Con., 2000S.26 1-2. - H Albion, 2500.31. ' - H East Prince, 2000.01 3-4. H Grand Central, 100.55. H Iron Blossom, 5001 17 1-2. IH Reeds Peak, 100.ll. H West Toledo, 1000.05 1-2. H New Quincy, 500.07. H Michigan, Utah, 2900.36; 2600 H Sells, 700.51; 6600.50; 1500.49. H Demijohn, 5000 . 04 1-2. H Paloma, 4500.40. H East Crown Point, 1000 .00 1-2. H Joe Bowers, 1000 . 02. H Walker Mines, 500 . 71. H Ennlc slocks 1 Commercial National, $400; Deseret H National. $304.50; Deseret Savings, H $1050; Farmer & Stockgrowers, $84; H First National, Ogden, $415; First Na- H tional, Logan, $170; First National, H Brighnm, $300; MftComick & Co., H $2S7; Merchants, $85; National City H Bank, $135, Ogden Savings Bank, H $390; Ogden State bank, $433; State IH Bank, Brigham City. $225; Security IH State, $140; Thatcher Bros.. Logan, H $165; Utah State National, $211; Utah H Savings & Trust, $90; Walker Bros.. H $203; Zion's Savings Bank & Trust m $412: Barnes Banking, $205; Davis H County, $290; First National Bank, H Layton, $150. H |