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Show FDHWiER OGDEWITE HAS PROSPERED ON I IDAHO FARM John A. Garner of Rexburg, Idaho, an uncle of Assistant Postmaster Ru,-fus Ru,-fus Garner, is passing a few days In Ggden, visiting his nephew and other relatives In his younger days, ho was a resident of Ogden, but loft hero 33 years ago, to take up a ranch in the district of which Rexburg is now the center. Tho ranch, which he still owns, in addition to town property, is now considered one of tho finest in that part of tho country. In the way of crops, Mr. Garner stated the people in the Rexburg territory ter-ritory had much causo for rejoicing last fall. The sugar beet crop was the largest ever recorded and was handled with greater facility than ever before. lie was asked about the pork crop and said that more hogs had been raised than ever before, but that the market was very slow. The price too, received by tho farmer for pork is ver low and in view of tho high retail price, he said, he could not understand why this condlton should exist- Mr. Garner is much impressed with the growth of Ogden and will remain here a number of days to renew old acquaintances. |