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Show British Steamer Is Sent to I ? Bottom in Mediterranean I GERMAN OFFENSIVE IN CHAMPAGNE I RESULTS IN COMPLETE FAILURE I i Teutons Driven Out of All Positions Except Small Rectangle I; West of Maissons French Artillery Inflicts Heavy' I j ; Losses on Enemy Montenegrins Put Up Great I l Fight and Kill Many Austrians, But Are I Forced to Give Up in Face of I Overwhelming Numbers. ;j ' London, Jan. 11, 3:48 p. m. The British steamer Clan MacFarlane, of 4823 tons, has been sunk in the Mediter- S i ranean. There are no details of the sinking. $! I The Clan MacFarlane was sent to the bottom January 3. Is Six officers and eight Lascars have been landed at Malta. M Thirteen Lascars died in lifeboats. 4 . te ft- The Clan MacFarlane left Liverpool December 1 6 for S Bombay. She was 400 feet long, 50 feet beam, built in nm Sunderland in 1898 and owned in Glasgow. iiB Vienna, Jan. 11, via London, 7:47 p. m. The capture 3S Lovcen on the western Montenegrin frontier by Austrian forces was announced by the war office tonight. Berane, ' in interior Montenegro on the river Lim, also has been taken. 3 H Pans, Jan 11. Via London. 3.50 p. M n: The French official report of this M afternoon states that the German or- B fensive, undertaken on Sunday in m Champagne by at least three German m divisions, was a complete failure, the W Germans being driven out of all the M positions which they had seized with w the exception of a small rectangle to m the west of Maisons des Champagne ft The statement follows ft "Between the rivers Somme and ft Oise our artillery has been active. An m enemy detachment attempted to carry W one of our positions in the sector of ifft' Armancourt, in the region of Royp. P II was repulsed by our 'fire West of m Solssons our trench guns destroyed a ft dppot of rockets in the neighborhood ft of Autreches. m Germans Completely Repulsed, ft "The latest information received ft from Champagne confirms the fact ft that our artillery firo, our trench deft de-ft fenses and our counter attacks com-W com-W pletely set at naught an Important at-ft at-ft tack undertaken by the enemy in ft which at least three German divisions I took part. Counter attacks and hand f grenade fighting by our men during f ' the past night drove the enemy from i the outpost positions he had occupied ; k. with the exception of a small rec- ' tnngle west of Maissons de Champagne Cham-pagne where his small forces aro i maintaining themselves with difficul- ; " tv. Our general fire and in particular s our artillery fire inflicted very heavy losses. ffl ; "Three of our aeroplanes, equipped ; ' with guns, engaged yesterday in sev- 74 ; eral fights, auove tne uenuau im 'il- near Dixmude with enemy scouting 5, aeroplanes of the Fokker type One ." of our machines attacked by a Fokker ; 1 machine had to descend but an enemy aeroplane, attacked in turn by one of ours, which fired on it with machine gun from a distance of 25 meters, was brought down. A third French ma- ' chine also attacked another Fokker which fell in the forest of Houthulst, y southeast of Dixmude." ?' Germans Report French Defeat. ; Berlin, Jan. 11, by Wireless to Say-viile. Say-viile. Today's war office statement says that the French ti-oops in the Champagne were defeated in an effort E to re-capture the trenches northeast f of Massigos, taken by the Germans in i ' thn nf.fpnnivfi movement reported yes- terday. The number of prisoners tak en has been Increased to 3S0. ' A French battle aeroplane armed 1 3S centimeter guns was compelled by : German fire to land near Woumen I.' ; south of Dixmude, In Belgium. The j aeroplane and Its officers, uninjured, I are In German hands. I A British biplane was shot down in an aerial encounter near Tournai, Bel- j " glum. K Withdrawal Causes Moral Damage. Rome, Jan. 10, 9:10 p. m "If the supreme command of the quadruple I alliance has decided to abandon the I Dardanelles enterprises, unhappily be- .' 1 gun and more unhappily conducted," P says the Tribuna, 'we must hope to : counterpoise it by some positive suc- 3ii cessful action." a The newspaper adds that the allies I "withdrawal from the Dardanelles I causes political damage owing to the J I enormous effect throughout the Mo- I hammedan world and military dnmage I since Turkish troops defending the I Dardanelles now can be taken elso- I av hero, i Belgians Open Bureau. H Paris, Jan. 11, 5 a. m. The Belgian H government has decided to open a I central bureau in Paris so as to faciii- 2f tate the settlement of the many ques- 1 tions daily calling for joint action by I tho French and Belgian governments. |