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Show Ji RANDOM 31 REFERENCES aw : ! - J J Good watches Price, 278 25th. has 1 ' Kodak Films developed 10c each M K' Velox Daper used. Mel rrty re Drug 'gi- Fourth Ward Elder Ray Summerill cl .- will be the speaker at the evening ser- alch ce n the Fourth Ward chapel to- aS morrow. up. i All kinds of CoaL Parker Coal CoM v bo I cor. 27th St and Pac. Phone 198-W. - land Verdict Reversed The jury in the 'J' i case of A. S. Logsdon against J. L rto j! Smith et al, at midnight last night, ;in? rendered a verdict for the plaintiff P0" lor $505 and interest. At a (former 0vvJ1 i trial of the case, Judgment of no cause l' i ot action was given for the1 defend- : K ants, the jury last night making a -j( coaplete reversal of the former ver- atlc j diet :ihe S Doctor Fred G. Clark removed to M Suite 707-8-9-10. David Eccles Bldg. - ha? 1 Po11 Tax Cases In t10 district ,tt-' ! court, county attorney Joseph. Evans hs filed suits for poll taxes against V Wllford Tavlor and Andrew Green of ICJ& Harrlsvllle," J. W. Norman of Fair V'r West, and J. B. Clark, William Burch, j Emil Roberts, Tim Martinet, Henry 1 JJ I Huseman and. George "Williams of m i Burch Creek. S5 I All Kinds of Good Coal Rawson -jL' Bros., 2270 Wall Ave. Phone 484. lm I Red Cross (Mayor A. R. Heywood j has been made a member of the Utah Btate board of the American Red " Cross association for the ensuing year. t . New Home J. C. Massey is build- j' tog a residence on Harrison avenue, ;; between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-Blxth Twenty-Blxth Btreets, that will cost in the ' neighborhood of ?7500. A Spargo'a for rubber stamps, seals, i etc i i j i Fifth Ward Parents' Class On ac- . count of the Four Stake Sunday Bchool convention, which will be held 1 on Sunday, there will be no class on I ; that day. ! t Bread without B & G Butter would I ; be like Christmas without a gift -I ; Brother Missing Miss Katherine I j lambert of 1081 Oak avenue haa asked 1 i the police" to assist in locating her j brother, M. J. Lambert, whom she has Hot heard from" for some time. Lambert Lam-bert is a molder by trade and was S last employed at Layton, as far as his ! elster has been able to learn. Miss I Ij&mbert is of the belief that her ; brother is in Salt Lake City. I Denver & Return $22.50 via D. R. G. I Jan. 14 and 15. Account National I Western Stock Show Limit, Jan. 31. I J Stopovers permitted. - ' Excursion The Denver and Rio Grande railroad has announced excur-; excur-; ''on rates to Denver, January 14 and JC I 15, for the benefit of stock raisers - desiring to attend the 10th annual Na-- I flonal Western Stock Show. ' Prom Salt Lake William Huns- i i ;,crger chief clerk in the general of- ' "' I "co of the Denver and Rio Grand at t - ; Salt Lake City, was an Ogden visitor . ' t i Yesterday. j Quarantine Virginia Nelson, 2624 . Wncoln avenue, was released from ' jiyarantlne today for scarlet fever, and Grace Gregor, 2774 Washington ave- nu&, was also released, having recov-j recov-j ered from an attack of diphtheria. m ', c- U McFaul, district passenger f j J.Kent 0f t,he Southern Pacific, was in I "Kaen today on buainess. gt j f(lr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson depart-i depart-i Si to&vy for Los Angeles over the , , wuthern Pacific. They will romain ' j i n the coast for six months. D- J. Sheehan departed yesterday rr the Salt Lake Route for Los An- j I eles and San Diego. ' W,M?' w,,Ham Jeffers and Mrs. E. F. i Vndley departed today on the Los : 8eles Limited for California, where wey will remain for several weeks. 1 ! 5,r?rnatJc Reader foroni Olsen, the 1 ' ho T1 0Wn local dramatic reader, who 4 I b!ei1 Passing the holiday season tt ; win. hls relatives, was scheduled to depart this afternoon on the Los Angeles An-geles Limited, for Ames, Iowa, to con-ttnue con-ttnue hla tour of the middle western states and southern states. He was S be accompanied on the trip east by hip sister, Mrs. Anna Olsen McKay. Eighth W.ard Professor Milton Bennion of Salt Lake will be the speaker at the Eighth ward meeting house, at 7 o'clock, Sunday evening! Ca3e Goes to Jury The .case of the State against Joseph Warner, charged with assault with intent to kill pW nle Dawson, .was submitted to a jury at noon today. The jurymen took lunch and then began deliberations. Elder Robert L Burton will address the 160th quorum of Seventies in the Ninth Ward meeting house at 9 o'clock Sunday morning. A. T. Rollow has taken over the Marlon barbor shop in the Marion Hotel building. |