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Show Ii Experts Who Know They speak from their own experience; ex-perience; years of practical work in the preparation of perfect food for particular people. Their testimony cannot be gainsaid: " To obtain the best results we use and recommend for use Royal Baking Powder, jfre find it superior to all Others. "The International Mutual Cooks "and Pastry Cooks Assn. "Adolph Meyer, Sec'y." ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure No Alum I Los Angeles I I San Francisco H I AND RETURN. I Diverse Routes I Special Round Trip Fares jpl I j to Points in I Pacific Northwest m Tickets on Sale S Nov. 21 and 23; 1 L Return Limit, Jan. 31, 15. I g Dec. 19 and 22, H I Return Limit, Feb. 28, 15. if ! Stopover Privileges. I CITY TICKET OFFICE, H I Orpheum Block. g J Phone 2500. Brown Carlson Treseder Clothiers and Furnishers 2421 Wash. Ave. You Must Bo Sultec' Here. Advc tusoment. Ask your Grocer for Golden Rod Butter, 35 cents a pound. Ad vert Ibc meat. FIVE YEARS FROM NOW 5 will YOU be better off financially than you are now? I It rests with YOU. A Bank Account at the Commercial National Bank will be a big m help to 3'our success. I You'll really be surprised how much you can save in five years' time. I I pre ,w The amount of 1 jocd Candy L' an( ,ve sell, is a tJ chi 1 splendid tribute a K "o its high quality. Z3 jj Johnston's and li 'he m Lovney's and Go Jr Maurice spe 4 re the names. J abl rep Cat pos i Tui oon cap FORTUNES Ui W ARE NOT cro! EASILY ; made, but they can be built. todc Dan The start Is a safe place- for your funds and 4 per cent Inter- llTl est on them! Da. Our Savings Department offers preJ both, and upon yourself depends ""aris tighti the fortune. with alter withe Ogden Savings Bank J Ogden, Utah. "l The lovs; M. S. Browning, President. "Qn L. Ft. Ecclcs, Vice-President coatlc Johr Watson, Vice President been Chas. H. Barton, Cashier. Vance, fctai "e fr 1 SLADE TRANSFER J sK Phone 321. I j S Office 408 25th St. 3? "SLADE HAS AN JSt" j uere l BUY OUR EDISON PATENT Mi MADZA LAMPS 5?uy The best at any price. ' to t: 'They Stand Both Jolts and Volts." reea1 ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Phone 88. Free Delivery. 425 24th St. |