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Show oo HOW FAR IS WOODS CROSS? Rather .m interesting case hat. been) developed in Woods Cross. Being so near by, It is well worth publishing here. The statement Is sincere the proof convincing: Arnold Bandit er, Woods Cross. Utah, says: ' For thn . weeks. I was forced to lay in bed with a ease of acute inflammatory rheumatism T was unbale t sit up in bed without assistance. The pain which I suffered was ery severe I couldn't sleep well, as the pain was so great. Most of my joints were swollen and inflammed and I couldn't stand the least move-ment move-ment or noise After using Doan's ' Kidney Pills a great chanjze took place I pained twenty-live pounds In a very short time. About one and one-half months after I took sick, I was well and strong as I had ever been I advise everyone having kid-ne kid-ne disorders to always use Doan's Kidney Pills, as they are the best and they do cure " Price 50c at all tdealers DoW simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr Bangerter had. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Props, Buffalo, N Y Ad ertlse-ment. |