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Show LARGE SUMS PAID j OUT BY BALL CLUBS Omaha. Neb. Nov. 10 The annual rp port of Secretary John H. Fnrre-11 of the National Association of Professional Pro-fessional Baseball clubs says :; cities and towns in the United States and Canada. comprising forty-two leagues, qualified for membership at the beginning of the last season, and thirty-nine leagues finished the sea-ton sea-ton Three class D leagues disbanded disband-ed and two did not start More than 8000 players had their contracts recorded, re-corded, but only 1349 had their term promulgated Our of 1"33 players au spended 319 were reinstated. The association disbursed $301,870. divided as follows Drafted players by National and American leagues and American assoeiation, $89,850, optional agrcrments, $89,700; paid for release by purchase of American Association As-sociation players, $167 870, returned under waiver rule, $1450. The list of drafted players for the coining year covers nearly every club in the association The highest price I aid is $2500. The National league clubs secured eight players at that price and the American league one The list folows National league By Cincinnati from Winnipeg, Dugan; from Victoria, Vic-toria, Steele; from Syracuse, North By Chicago From Medicine Hat. Buckles; from South Bend, Schorr, from Saginaw, Robbins. from San Francisco, Standridge; from Toronto, Fisher, from Buffalo, MeConnell (subject to investigation) By Pittsburg From Harrisburg, Adams; from Sioux City. Murphy; from Ludington Altenberg; from Denver. Den-ver. Coffey (subject to investigation). By New York From Sacramento, Stroud, from Portland, Kores; from Mlcdleton. N. Y., Scull; from New Orleans, A.dams; from Seattle. Glpe. from Columbus, O, Cook; from Poughkeepsie, Beatty. By Brooklyn From Louisville, To-ney, To-ney, from Chattanooga, Howell, from Fort Worth. Appleton, from Wilkes barre, Cadore, from Harrisburg. Cha-hek; Cha-hek; from Seattle, Dell; from Waco, Donald. American League. By Boston From Saginaw, Scott; from Springfield, Mass., Pratt By Philadelphia From Greensbor-or. Greensbor-or. Harper; from Trenton. Iee; from Greensboro, Crane. By Washington From Galveston Massey; from Fort Worth. Brown By Detroit From Peoria, Yello. from Grand Forks. Peters. By Chicago From Kansas City, Brief. By St Louis From Atlanta, Kauff mann; from Charleston, Cochran , from Burlington, Miller. |