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Show WIRELESS NEWS FROMGERMANY Russian Battalion Routed by German Cavalry Important Import-ant Russian Moves Reported. ARMENIAN RIOTS DENIED Bulgarians Will Remain NeutralWill Neu-tralWill in No Case Fight Turkey. Berlin Nov. 11. by wireless Included In-cluded in the information given out to the press today from official quarters quar-ters is the following: "The route of a Russian battllon near Konln (33 miles northeast of Kallfz. in Russian Poland) by a detachment de-tachment of German cavalry', appears to have been thorough, and while this engagement Is without great im portance It shows the offensive spirit of Ihe German troops. No other news has been received from the eastern arena. "Special dispatches received from Czemowitz, In Bukowlna, report important im-portant movements of Russian troops are taking place In Bessarabia and East Gallcia, apparently inspired by the campaign against Turkey. The Vienna Fremdenblatt has published a dispatch from ("zernowltz sayinc that the Russians on November B threw shells Into that city, but their batteries bat-teries speedily were silenced. An advance guard skirmish before Czernowitz ended in a Russian retreat. re-treat. "Constantinople reports the continuation contin-uation of Turkish offensive movements move-ments on the Caucasian border In Mite of snow. Other reports received here from Athens declare that the Turkish operations against Egypt are progressing and that there Is much military activity In Syria The Turkish Turk-ish goernment declares with emphasis em-phasis that the report In the Paris Temps, of rioting on the part of Turkish Armenians is a flat lie. "During the past week the specie I reserve of the German imperial bank Increased 27.000,000 marks ($6,750.- 1000) while the circulation of notes decreased 86.000,000 marks ($21,500,-000). ($21,500,-000). Bulgarians to Remain Neutral. It Is reported here from Athens that Bulgaria has refused to adopt the anti-Turkish attitude suggested by the triple entente powers In return re-turn for the promlso of addition of Adrlanople to the Bulgarian territory terri-tory "The Bulgarian minister at Rome has said in an interview that Bulgaria Bul-garia demands the restitution of the territories inhabited by Bulgarians. Bulgaria will keep noutral in the present war, the minister declared and under no circumstances will she fight Turkey. "The president of the Turkish chamber of deputies, Halll Bey has arrived at Bucharest, Rumania, on a special mission." |