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Show HE WORLD'S MARKET NEWS j South Omaha Livestock. South Omaha, Neb., Nov. 11 Hogs Heceipt8. 7000; market steady. Heavy. $7.35(7.55; light. $7.5007.65; Pit s. $fj.507.50; bulk or saies, $7 45 7.75. Cattle Receipts, 3.400; market, lower. Native steers. 7.0m& 10.50; cows and heifers, $6.00g7.50; western west-ern steers, $6.258.75; Texas steers, I 55.75 (JP7.25 ; cows and heifers, SS.SO.fj 7.00; calves, $7.5010.00. Sheep Receipts. O.OOO; market lower. Yearling, 7.008.00; wetl ere, 66.306.80; lambs, $S.509.30 Liverpool Cotton Exchange. Livorpcrol. Nov. 11. The director of ;be cotton exchange today adopted the following amendment to tin; rules permitting limited trading In futures: "On and m'ter tomorrow and until further notice, sMcr, of Mav-Junc American and Ma Egyptian may be mndp without restrictions except that I the price must not bo below the mini mum of 4.25d for Mav-June Ami fl-can fl-can and 7 OOd for May Egyptian. Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool. Nov. 11 Cotton Spot in good demand; prices, quiet. American Amer-ican middling fair. 5 62d; good middling, midd-ling, 4 97d. middling. 166d, low middling, midd-ling, 4.05d; good ordinary, 3 36d; ordinary, or-dinary, 2.86d. Sales 8000 bales. Sugar. Now York. Nov. 11 Raw sugar-Firm. sugar-Firm. Molasses, $3 36; centrifugal, $4 01 ; refined, steady. Australian Wool Market. Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 11 The tone of the wool tales was depressed again today. Withdrawals were heavy and it is evident tho market cannot absorb tho surplus coming lorward in view of the restriction placed upon export business. New York Exchange. New York, Nov It Mercantile paper. pa-per. 5 1-2. Sterling exchange, easy; 60-day bills I z J4.S7; for cables, $4 9", for demand, ?4 8.35. Bar silver, 49c London Bar Silver. London, Nov 11 Bar silver, 2' 5-Sd per ounce. Lead. SL Louis. Nov. 11 Lead Firm, .$3.37 l-23 40. Septer. nominal, $4.90 |