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Show DISEASE INFECTS DAIRYJCATTLE Prize Herd in Chicago Union Stock Yards Valued at $2,500,000. Chicago, Nov. 11 -Spread of foot and mouth disease among the 836 prize dairy cattle uuder quarantine at the Chicago Union stock yards assumed as-sumed such alarming proportions today to-day that It was feared the infection could not be prevented from spreading spread-ing to every animal In the herd The cattle are valued at f2.500.0OO. Dr S. E. Bennett of the federal bureau bu-reau of animal industry, said that forty now cases were discovered in the herd yesterday. The newly In fectcd cows were taken to the veterinary vet-erinary hospital where fifty-two other cases from the dairy show stock are under treatment. New York Meat Supply. New York. Nov. 11-Government and state officials In an effort to insure a meat supply for this city have arranged for the shipments of cattle from states not under quaran-tine, quaran-tine, because of the foot and mouth disease, to local slaughter houses in sealed slock cars under government j supervision. Wholesale meat deal en 8' the prices are stationary here u order prohibiting the imports- I tion of poultry has resulted In the i New Jersey terminals being (logged with shipments for this market which are exceptionally heavy for the Thanksgiving day demands. The uianv Inspectors sent out by li J B Dunkle of the United States Bureau of animal Industry', yesterday found no cases of infected cattle. |