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Show On your way home today get I a package of the newest tid-bit: .WRIGLEYS. I C H EWI N G GU M V Here is something that will tickle I the palate of Peppermint lovers. And it's double strength I 1-o-n-g 1-a-s-t-i-n-g lots of "Pep"! It's double wrapped and sealed, so it's always at its freshest I With each 5 cent package HBfl!l is a United Profit - Sharing fcrM i j Coupon good for valuable f j i presents. S? You get double value and delight for the whole family the cost is a mere nothing 5 cents! g (United Coupons now come also with J " L. When down town shopping this week, cal! H in and take advantage of oar special cash 9 sale. I ; 3 Large Milk 25c All 10c Crackers, 3 for.... 25c ' 6 Small Milk 25c G Oil Sardines 25c S I 3 Cans Corn , 25c Steel Cut Coffee, lb. .. 30c W 4 pounds Navy Beans . . . 25c M. J. B. Coffee, lb 40c 4 pounds Rice 25c Liptons Tea, lb 65c 20 pounds Spuds 25c Large Quaker Oats, 2 for 55c 3 cans Soup 25c Flour, per 100 lbs $2.75 3 Pork & Beans 25c 3 Pkgs. Tryphosa 25c 3 Corn Starch .25c Apples, per bu 90c I 4 pounds Brown Beans . 25c Creamery Butter 35c Hi 7 Bars of B. W. Soap 25c Red Salmon, 2 for 25c H I 6 Bars of C. W. Soap 25c L, H Cleanoer 5c 1 We surely want you with us and we will treat you right. H I The Big Corner. Opposite Postoffice. I We Wire Houses, j ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Phone 88. 425 24th St. Brown Carlson Treseder Clothiers and Furnishers 2421 Wash. Ave. You Must Be SuiteJ Here. Advertisement. Grocery Sale for Uth week. Special prices on everything made in Utah. Aa the list of home-made gooda is so large we can t ennumerate but partly, which however, will give you ' ' fl an idea of the low prices in force: I Utah Salt, 2 sacks 15c Utah Pea, and Tomatoes, 3 BB Utah Soap, 9 bars 25c for ....25e iB Utah Canned Peaches, 2 cans Utah High Pat. Flour, sack $1.25 Bfil for 2Bc Utah Pickles, 15c bottle 10c HH Utah Sugar, 4 pounds 25c Utah Macaroni, 3 for 25c Hl 10c Utah Pork and Beans, 3 Utah Fresh Candy pound 10c lr " 25c Utah Graham Flour, aek 25c HI Utah Coffee, 35c grade 30c ,.A . Bfi Utah Guaranteed Eggs, doz.. . 30c Utah PUre Lard' pa"8' WM Utah Spuds, 20 pounds 25c PU"d ' 15c HQ Utah Catsup, 15c bottle 10c Utah Germade freh. sack.... 30c jHH Utah Red Apples, bushel 50c Utah Sauerkraut, quart 5c RUE Utah Sal Soda, 3 pounds 10c 26th and Washington. Phone 284. Hi Our sales are real bargain sales, goods all first class in H9 their grades. Don't be mislead by knocks of competi- HH tors. They don't like us, as we are not in their trust, j mm Smith Meat & Grocery I 26th and Wash. Phone 284. j El ou r I Read tbe Classified Ads. t Read the Classified Adi. Eastern H Excursions I UNION PACIFIC W Nov. 21, 23; Dec. 19, 22. . I Following Specially low Round Trip I Fares from Ogden to points named: j- H Denver or Colorado Springs $22.50 ,1 ' Omaha or Kansas City 40 00 ,1 St. Louis v. 51.20 j Memphis 59-85 I I Chicago 5972 I I St. Paul or Minneapolis 3-86 jf I Correspondingly low fares to other points. H Return Limit 1 I Three Months from date of sale. I CITY TICKET OFFICE I I Orpheum Block Phone 2500. J H W. H Chevors, LErjf I H General Agent. ffBIj I I Paul L, Beomer, MXaJ H City Passenger and Ticket Agent H BOOKING OFFICE, ALL IMPORTANT STEAMSHIP LINES Baggasa Checked From Residence to Destination. j ESS Hm !SS wtauttBEmBM -Mfl lyi&Jg WBSSMstmBM |