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Show CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago. Nov 17 After a little firmness at the outset today, wheat showed a tendency to sag. Northwestern North-western receipts continued in excess of last year's figures and there was evident caution among buyers, who had to confront the fact of an 1m-raenso 1m-raenso visible supply aud of a well recognized inadequate export clearance clear-ance HlRher cable quotations afforded afford-ed only brief help to the bulls. Opening Open-ing prices, which ranged from 18 to l-4c higher, were followed by a moderate mod-erate setback all around. Ideal weather for husking, grading and shipping put the bears in control of the corn market Eastern demand was somewhat improved. After opon-ing opon-ing 1-8 to 3-8c off, prices continue to decline. Oats turned downward with wheat and corn Business for the most part was In amall lots. Lib-1 oral arrivals of hogs made provisions easy. Fairly good support, though developed on the decline. late in the session the wheat market mar-ket rallied sharply as a result of active ac-tive baying said to be largely for sea hoard account. The close was steady 3-8(f 1-2 to 5-8c above last night's close. Corn recovered when near the end of the day wheat began to climb. The close was firm at the same as lasl night to a sixteenth off. Chicago. No 17 --Wheat 2 red. $1.13 1-2 Til 14 3-4; 2 hard, $113 1-2 (g 1 14 3-4. Corn No. 2 yellow. 72 3-473; new 67 1-2(568 l-2c: 3 yellow, 72 l-273c; new, 65 l-466c. Oats 8 white, 17 3-4(948 l-4c stan dard. 49 1-4i l-2c. Re No. 2 $106. Rnrlev. 60 80c Timothy, $3.75 5 25. Clover. $10 00 14 00. fork. $17.60. Lard. $11.26. Ribs, $9.75d 10 76 |