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Show II r0UR 4 PER CENT 1 INTEREST compounded on savings SECURITY for them, and money back when needed Is thi6 bank's plan for all who deposit at our Savings Department. Depart-ment. 1 Take advantage of it. Ogden Savings Bank Ogden, 'Jtah. M. S. Browning, President-L. President-L. R. Ecclet, Vlce-Preoldent. John Watson, Vice-President Chas. H. Barton, Cashier. I We Wire Houses. ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Phone 88. 425 24th St. See Madame Kalich Ogden Og-den Theater. Advertisement. The big local event of the season, for Eagles' Charity Fund, Opera, Drama, Musical Comedv next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at Orphenan Theater, Advertisement. Don't Look it in I f?fel far S : I 1N simply can't bite your p4 m 1 tongue nor parch your . J throat. Isn't that just If your dealer can't apply y. What you're after? tend 10c for one package or gfe; $1.00 for a carton of ten pack Sold all along the - gg ag,UOOc.CretUM).poBtat. lint, 20 foT 10c. fH V prepaid. After tmoking i ' 1 -r-J package, if you don't find " CAMELS a, repre.ented. re- R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. ?3$jl tarn the other 9 package!, and w . c t u ' M wM refand our rnony' Winiton-cm, fl. U ll That great Paramount "Marta of the Lowlands," Ogden Og-den Theater tonight. Advertisement OO 1 oo pan Brown Carlson Treseder S Clothiers and Furnishers 504, 2421 Wash. Ave. gf You Must Bo Suited Hera. . hT' 7 J Adv-tlsement - I 131 I SLADE TRANSFER I Phone 321. 8 S Office 408 25th St. 5,5 "SLADE HAS AN AUTO TRUCK NOW" I inrtiifrirriBMWIIPHilifll 1 M Pi1 II Willi I i a mimc m rfte gin sea ijj produce 1200 pairs of Hjj v!v? jv''3iS superior workclothes daily. frfoJ&K il- yi H ?rT To be sure of over-all satisfaction, They're Union made by UTAH Union Un-ion maids. |