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Show u.li iiimin ii'iim 'i im mil MP olo olo kk I Here's Richardson j i Again ; with another of those sensational sensation-al offerings for which the Crock- t ery store js noted. While they H 1 I last we offer beautiful hand- B i I painted art water jugs direct H I from Lunveville, France. These I are works of art, a credit to any I I home, direct from the seat of WAR I Several dozen in French Llfy, I I Rose, Pansy, Poppy and Chrys- B , I anthemum Patterns, all big val- H j lies at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 , B Take theni home for each I We want you to realize this was ' m one of the lew stores jn America ' ft lucky enough to get a full stock U of European goods, including IjJ g Dolls, Toys, etc, for this sea- j U son. ThiS great 69-cent special a H will convince you. They were I S on the sea when the war broke I fe out; this celebrated pottery I promises to be rare. Get one B B without fail We have the de Eg k gant floor vases, worth $7.50 5 , I jach, while they last at... $3.75 II An cxccptknai nd complete 91 I line of Jardinieres, Brass Vases, W-etc, W-etc, upwards from 19c Ml TURKEY SETS Don t forget that our Crockery Department has a grand turkey I set for you. A huqe platter and B six plates, at $1.79 up Dishes of all kinds at bargain H prices; household annex filled with money-Oavers, Tcyland now open: come here and save save save. Richardson-Hnnt 2419 WASHINGTON. "A Little More for a Little Less" The Eagles Operas next Tuesday and Wednesday Wed-nesday evenings at the Orpheum Theater. AdvortlHoment, HEATERS A good heater is just as (necessary now as in the coldest winter weather. A warm house will save colds and doctor bills. p h Drop in and see our com- plete line all prices, c n 2437 Wash. Ave. of f ' ill SUBSCRIBERS ATTENTION In the fall of 1912 The Standard Issued Is-sued contracts under which subscribers subscrib-ers were entitled to buy dishes and other premiums. Under these contracts con-tracts subscribers were supposed to select their premiums within six months from date of contract. Some of our subscribers have failed to exercise ex-ercise their rights under these contracts con-tracts within the time required, and about once a month a subscriber brings In one of the old contracts The Standard is closing out Its premiums pre-miums and parties holding any of the contracts calling for premiums must present them before January 1, 1914, as the contracts are no longer good Dated November 15. 1914. Advertisement Our Best Seller. We are selling more of Meritol Eczema Remedy than all the others put together This large sale is due to the fact that It Is a preparation of unusual merit, made expressly for one purpose, eczema in its various forms If you are afflicted with this loathsome disease, do not dela- using us-ing Meritol Eczema Remedy Prices 50c and $1 00. Culley Drug Co.. Ex- elusive Agents, Opden, Utah. Advertisement f r H WmB&Tfc JKaBfo HP l Ban 'THE DREAM WALTZ" n Joseph Santley and his dream girl, dancing "The Dream K: Waltz" in the musical comedy of youth and happiness, "When c Dreams Come True," to be seen at the Orpheum Theater E v I Thursday night of this week. PiJ I Last Time Tonight j I Margaret Whitney's Tabloid Musical Comedy r. W&& "THE wmoNG mmo" e I With a Cast of 11 People 0 Kh and B The Big Six-Reel Picture p "TRAFFIC m SOULS" g fl Prices Night 10-15-25 Cents tpjl WHEREAS, this is Utah Products Week and the neigh of the harvest sea- WHEREAS, the sugar beet raiser is the "mortgage-raiser," since farms once :jj I MS burdened with debt, through beets have been freed of encumbrance, I H THEREFORE, Be it Publicly Proclaimed that the people of Utah and Idaho give thanks at this time for a soil-product which for sixteen years has never failed: t H For a crop which 'though storms arise and frosts appear, 'though blights H and worms and overflooded markets make every other form of farming hazard- ous; has not failed to pay in cash to 9,000 growers of Utah and Idaho every fflf year for 16 years at least $60 an acre, more than $30 of which is clear profit. 5 For a crop which, in fair weather or foul, heat or m' T j''Y Jfcf cold, rain or shine, never perishes, never de- jtH y jtA I lrJ I Jj teriorates, never wastes the soil-tillers' labor: w Izl ' JS For a crop which is this year CREATING FOUR J&B f IS MILLION DOLLARS of new wealth for thou- U 1 I I H sands of growers and workers: g jL! For a crop from which a sugar is made that is un- SRttW Bjj surpassed for purity and excellence: Let us give thanks for the sugar beet the most , j j profitable, the least hazardous crop the soil- J ' I |