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Show I BIG SHOOT TO BE HELD IN SPOKANE 1 The big three-iiay Northwest chanv pion8hlp shoot which for the past four , j years haB been held In Walla Walla J will be staged by the Spokane Rod f and Gun club at the Moran Pralrlo traps this year. According to T B. Ware, this banner shooting event for sportsmen in this aectlon of the ILL country will in all probability become I a Spokane fixture The meet must he held some time during the month of .Tune and the lCth, 17th and lSth will probably he rhe dates. This will leave Sunday. .Tune 14 for a practice day. Shooter from Utah, Oregon Montana, Mon-tana, Idaho, Brilish Columbia and I Washington will attend, fully 200 being be-ing expected to take part. Besides the numerous medals and challenge trophies which will bo put up in competition, com-petition, the ehoot will Include thirty 15-blrd stents, 150 of which will be shot each da Pete O'Brien, the Walla Walla amateur am-ateur champion, and Tred Dryden. who made such fine records in the Washington S'ate championship shoot held here last spring, will come Dryderj has become a professional during the past year and will have to compete against such cracks as Lee Barklei 'Butch" Wood worth. C B. Randlett. Guy Holohan, P J. Molo-han, Molo-han, the Portland veteran. Fred Ber-j Ber-j ger of Seattle and a scoro of other shotgun experts From Ogden. Utah, will come the Brownings and Becker and Blgelow will represent Salt lAko The bin Montana ntles will all send delegations. delega-tions. Fully half a hundred Spokane shooters will be entered Including E I J Chingren, T. B Ware. A. K. Cop-son, Cop-son, F K McBroom, Ray Stansbury. Hueh McElroy and many others Definite arrangements will lw: made at an early meeting. |